Bug Report: Parameter Conditions Multi Edit Fails

Hi everyone,
I am currently working on a project in FMOD 2.02.25, where we heavily rely on selecting multiple instruments and editing their parameter conditions. For any non-continuous parameter types this feature does not work, because the class property “maximum” is left at its previous value. Only the property “minimum” is set. Therefore, the parameter looks right in the FMOD Studio GUI, but it does not work, because the XML data are wrong.

Changing the parameter condition on every single instrument by hand works.

Has this been fixed in later versions? Is there any chance to get a fixed Studio version?

Thank you for your time! :slight_smile:

I’m afraid I wasn’t able to reproduce this issue. When I tested here using discrete parameters, bulk editing the maximum values of the trigger conditions correctly affected that value for every instrument in the multi-selection, and the behavior of the instruments was correctly affected when the event was auditioned.

I must therefore be doing something differently to you. Could you describe in greater detail exactly what kind of content this issue occurs with?

Hi Joseph,
thank you for your quick reply. Sure. I just did multiple smaller scale tests in a new events to confirm that this can be reproduced on my end. Here is the repro description:

  1. Create a new event with a timeline and one track
  2. Add a couple of Single - and Multi Instruments on a single track. Order: Consecutive with gaps. Each audio file is 5-15s long. all .wav format.
  3. Create a Parameter of type User: Labeled and add a couple of entries (7 in our case) Here are the other settings:
  4. Select all instruments
  5. Add a parameter condition with the newly created parameter. Set it to any value, except the first one (0).
  6. Set your parameter to the value of the parameter condition and play the event back (Alternatively look at the background color of the parameter conditions on each instrument to see if they react).


  • According to the Studio GUI, all instruments have that parameter condition attached.
  • The first selected instrument works as expected.
  • The following instruments do not react to the parameter and do not play as a result.
  • The properties of the non-working parameter conditions in the XML of the event are set to: minimum: [whatever value you have set], maximum: 0. The working one has both properties set to the value you have decided to use.

Counter Sample: Afterwards set the parameter condition on each instrument by hand.

  • All instruments react to the parameter condition.
  • The properties in the XML are all set to your chosen value.

I hope this helps. Please let me know, if you need more information. :slight_smile:

Aha! Thanks, I’ve now been able to reproduce this issue. From what I can tell, it seems to only affect labelled parameters, and not other kinds of non-continuous parameter; it also seems to only affect newly created trigger conditions, and not trigger conditions that existed prior to the event being selected in the events browser.

I’ve added this issue to our bug tracker; it should be fixed in an upcoming version of FMOD Studio.

In the mean time, you should be able to work around this issue by deselecting and reselecting the event in the events browser before bulk editing the trigger conditions.

Hi Joseph,

Thank you for your effort and for putting it in your bug tracker. We look forward to a fix.

I’d like to apologize. Looking back at what I tested, the “non-continuous” mention was an assumption based on when Min Max are actually different values (which only happens for continuous parameters). My bad. I never actually tested other non-continuous types. :confused:

Thank you for the workaround. I tried different versions of it, but it did not work so far. Can you get into more detail so that I know what I am doing wrong? :slight_smile:

Here are summaries of what I tried. All start with coming from a different event to the already created one:

  1. Select Target Event, Select Instruments, Add Trigger Condition, Deselect Instruments, Select Different Event, Select Target Event, Select Instruments, Set Trigger Condition Again.
  2. Select Target Event, Select Instruments, Add Trigger Condition, Select Different Event, Select Target Event, Set Trigger Condition Again.
  3. Select Target Event, Select Instruments, Select Different Event, Select Target Event, Set Trigger Condition
  4. Select Target Event, Select Instruments, Add Trigger Condition

Having rechecked my notes on this topic, I’ve realized that I was mistaken. The “workaround” I mentioned doesn’t actually allow you to bulk edit parameter conditions; it only allows you to edit them normally without encountering further errors after the issue occurs. Accordingly, I’ve amended the bug report to remove the mention of a workaround.

I apologize for the confusion I have caused.