Cambio Evento, audio precedente rimane in background

buongiorno a tutti, mi sono creato una traccia audio 2D timeline con al suo interno varie tracce evento. Ho impostato un parametro che in base al suo valore mi determini la variazione di traccia da seguire.
il tutto viene automatizzato in Unity al cambio scena.
e qui il problema. la traccia relativa alla scena successiva viene caricata correttamente mentre però mi rimane attiva la traccia precedente che invece dovrebbe mutarsi seguendo l’ AHDSR datogli. Vi allego le immagini relative. Sapete darmi qualche consiglio a riguardo sul motivo e come correggere? Grazie mille in anticipo, perché io non riesco a capire dov’é l’errore.

Does the issue occur when you audition the parent event in FMOD Studio, or only when playing the event in Unity?

Have you tried connecting to live update and recording a profiler session? Doing so may reveal the cause of the issue. For example, clicking the “Instances (self)” option in the profiler window’s transport bar will cause the profiler to display the number of instances of each event that are playing, making it easy to spot if there are two instances of the parent event playing instead of just one.

You have to set the “Cut” property, it’s the small grey button next to the volume knob, in the master of the Event Instrument. Prego, ciao!

That won’t help in this case. An AHDSR modulator on any property of an instrument overrides the instrument’s cut mode, and in this case there is an AHDSR moulator on the volume property of the event instrument.

Right Joseph, it has the same behaviour actually.
Not sure it’s always been this way? It seems to me in older versions I had to set cut to make it sound properly, but maybe I am mistaken. Just setting the AHDSR for the nested events works fine for me anyway.

I can confirm that it’s always been this way.

I see, sorry my bad then!