Hi guys, I have Xcode 15.2 + MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1 + iPhone SDK 17.2 + Apple M3 chip
When I build my project with FMOD for Unreal for iOS Simulator on have an error:
building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file ‘/Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/IOS/libfmodL_iphoneos.a’
Found that in downloaded latest version “fmodstudio20220ue5.3mac.zip” from https://www.fmod.com/download#fmodforunreal inside folder “Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/IOS” there are no files for iOS Simulator (so it’s not builded for support it or they just forgot to do it)
So next i found on page https://www.fmod.com/docs/2.02/api/platforms-ios.html#ios-specific-starter-guide that they Released iOS simulator binary for Core Engine and Studio Engine
FMOD Core Engine library
/api/core/lib/libfmod_iphonesimulator.a - Release iOS simulator binary for production code.
/api/core/lib/libfmodL_iphonesimulator.a - Release iOS simulator binary with logging enabled for development.
FMOD Studio Engine library (used in conjunction with core library)
/api/studio/lib/libfmodstudio_iphonesimulator.a - Release iOS simulator binary for production code.
/api/studio/lib/libfmodstudioL_iphonesimulator.a - Release iOS simulator binary with logging enabled for development.
FMOD team need to rebuild FMOD for Unreal with adding _iphonesimulator and _appletvsimulator files and support and it will launch on iOS/TVOS Simulators with any problems.
HOW TO FIX? here is the answer
So next step from page https://www.fmod.com/download#fmodengine I downloaded “fmodstudioapi20220ios-installer.dmg” inside 2 folders “/api/core/lib” and “/api/studio/lib” I found these files and copy it to my folder “/Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/IOS/”, and it didn’t work 
So just to try luck I made a copy of this folder and deleted files that work for iOS build only
Next step renamed files
libfmod_iphonesimulator.a → libfmod_iphoneos.a
libfmodL_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodL_iphoneos.a
libfmodstudio_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodstudio_iphoneos.a
libfmodstudioL_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodstudioL_iphoneos.a
And finally I successfully builded and launched my project with FMOD for Unreal for iOS Simulator
FMOD team need to rebuild FMOD for Unreal with adding _iphonesimulator and _appletvsimulator files and support and it will launch on iOS/TVOS Simulators with any problems.
PS same you can do with TVOS Simulator and fix it
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am still investigating the issue. Once I have an update I will update the thread.
Hey there, it was released 2 new versions FMDO for UE and 2.0.3, and in both of version same problem with iOS Simulator, and moving files from API are fixing problem with build with new versions too. Have any news when you will fix it for users without any actions required?
I am still having issues with Unreal Engine trying to reproduce the issue. Thank you for testing the latest versions. If there are any updates I will post them here.
Do you want that I make video record to show the problem and how it’s fixing? Or everything is clear?
Пт, 12 апр. 2024 г. в 14:55, Connor_FMOD via FMOD Forums <notifications@fmod.discoursemail.com>:
Thank you for the offer. Could you please upload the UE project you are testing to your Profile? Please note you must have a project registered with us before uploading files. It may be easier to test a functioning project rather than trying to get it working on my end.
hey there, the problem is not with project, you can test it on any project launched it on iOS simulator even on draft from unreal. The problem that FMOD not working on iOS simulator without this steps that I described in this topic
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Unfortunately, I cannot get a UE project launch to an IOS simulator, if your project is set up to launch to one I may be able to reproduce the issue using it. Would it be possible to share that project with me? If not I will continue trying to get UE launching to IOS simulator.
Hey there, I uploaded draft AR project fro UE5.3.2 + added there FMOD plugin 2.03, you need to download, generate files and build it for iossimulator and you will have this error
Thank you for sharing the project. I was able to reproduce the issue. I will pass on your work around to our development team.
Thank you for looking into this and assisting.
Finally, good to hear it. Remind you how to fix it
HOW TO FIX? here is the answer
So next step from page https://www.fmod.com/download#fmodengine I downloaded “fmodstudioapi20220ios-installer.dmg” inside 2 folders “/api/core/lib” and “/api/studio/lib” I found these files and copy it to my folder “/Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/IOS/”, and it didn’t work 
So just to try luck I made a copy of this folder and deleted files that work for iOS build only
Next step renamed files
libfmod_iphonesimulator.a → libfmod_iphoneos.a
libfmodL_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodL_iphoneos.a
libfmodstudio_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodstudio_iphoneos.a
libfmodstudioL_iphonesimulator.a → libfmodstudioL_iphoneos.a
And finally I successfully builded and launched my project with FMOD for Unreal for iOS Simulator
FMOD team need to rebuild FMOD for Unreal with adding _iphonesimulator and _appletvsimulator files and support and it will launch on iOS/TVOS Simulators with any problems.
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