Cant build for Oculus Quest 2 with Unreal 4.27 and FMOD

Thank you for giving that a shot, here are the steps in more detail:

  1. Go to the root diectory of your project. In this case “IOVR”
  2. Open the “Platforms” directory
  3. Open the “Android” directory
    • If there is no “Android” folder in here, right click inside and select New>Directory, and change the directory name to “Android”
  4. Open the “Config” directory
    • If there is no “Config” folder in here, right click inside and select New>Directory, and change the directory name to “Config”
  5. Right click inside the directory and select New>Text Document, and change the file’s name to “AndroidGame.ini”
  6. Open the newly created “AndroidGame.ini” file in a text editor and add the following lines:
  7. Save and close the file

You will need to build your banks for the mobile platform:

  1. In your FMOD Studio project go to Edit>Preferences>Build
  2. Look in the “Project Platforms” section. If you do not already have a platform configuration called “Mobile” then right click and select Add Platform>Mobile
  3. Close the preferences window and go to File>Build All Platforms

There should be a Mobile subdirectory after this step.