I’m new with FMOD and I’m still working my way around the tool and I ran into a problem I haven’t be able to fix, Im trying to change my parameters with the StudioParameterTrigger from the code
The paramater is supposed to change the panning of my event
if (GameObject.FindWithTag("Monster") == null)
spawnedMonster = Instantiate(monster, posicionElegida[posicionActual], Quaternion.identity);
emitter = spawnedMonster.GetComponent<StudioEventEmitter>();
paramTrigger = spawnedMonster.GetComponent<StudioParameterTrigger>();
The game object has both the emitter and the parameter trigger assigned
but no matter from where or how I call the trigger parameters it just doesnt change
I have also tried emitter.SetParameter("Testing" -1f)
and emitter.EventInstance.setParameterByName("Testing", -1f)
both sound exactly as if the parameter value was 0 (default value)