Changing path a .bank builds to with command line

My sound designer needs to build .bank files to a different location from my programmer and currently each one has to manually change the folder the built .bank files go into. Part of this problem could be resolved if the command line tool had an option to specify the folder .banks when into. I don’t see one in the docs? Is there one? Or is there a way to have one project built .bank files to different locations based on the user (env var?).

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Part of this problem could be resolved if the command line tool had an option to specify the folder .banks when into… Is there one?

At the time of writing (March of 2019) there is no option in the FMOD Studio command line tool to specify a different build directory.

That being said, it does sound like a useful feature to have. I’ll add it to our feature/improvement tracker, so that it will be added in an upcoming release of FMOD Studio.

Or is there a way to have one project built .bank files to different locations based on the user (env var?).

There is currently no supported way of doing this… But you could potentially create a batch process that performs the build then moves the built bank files into a location specified in that batch process.

I have just learned that it is possible to do this using custom scripts.

If you create a script that sets the built bank output directory of your project for each of your users, something like this:

studio.project.workspace.builtBanksOutputDirectory = <some directory>;

You could then use the -script <scriptfile> argument when running fmodstudiocl.exe to call that script prior to building the project from the command line.

Of course, each user will need their own version of the script with their own preferred built banks output directory, but that shouldn’t be hard to achieve.