Hiya gang,
There’s workarounds (i.e., don’t use nested events), though ideally I’d like to be able to convert a bunch of Events into Referenced Events.
However, seems the content in each Instrument is lost when making this change.
I could do it manually after converting, but in all honesty it’s a nervy thing to commit.
I’m on 2.02.24 (also tried the same on version up through to 2.02.27), Windows.
- Event A, has a labelled parameter sheet for subtype
- Event B, is a separate event with content in it (a multi, a scatter, both containing other referenced events, and another explicitly referenced event)
- I move Event B onto one of the labels on Event A parameter sheet, and right-click to “Convert Referenced Event to Nested Event”
- Event B is converted to Nested Event, however the referenced material in it is no longer there; the multi and scatter are empty)
- There’s an “Issues Detected” tag on this new Nested Event, and repairing doesn’t seem to resolve the missing material in instruments.
I can copy this all across manually and Studio seems totally content with it.
Tested banks and is equally happy.
Tested whether material in instruments is retained when converting Nested back to Referenced, and is similarly happy.
Is this behaviour something expected?
Current solution is to simply not use Nested Events at all, OR manually copy the content across to each new Nested Event.