Crash in the PlayFab docker container

I happen to get this exact same issue:

FMod can’t be loaded due to a missing dll. I could add the dll but I thougth maybe the FModAudioComponent shouldn’t crash in this case.

It happens there is some use of the StudioInstance pointer that are either not protected or not in the same way as in other places. (UFMODAudioComponent::Stop() and UFMODAudioComponent::ReleaseEventInstance())

Fixing those tests fixed all my crashes.

(UE 5.1, FMod UE Plugin 2.02.12)


Thanks for pointing this out. You’re correct that the missing dll probably shouldn’t cause a crash in this case, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue you’re describing with the StudioInstance pointer - would you mind providing a code snippet of your fix for one of the lines of code causing the crash so that I can attempt to reproduce it?

Sure, here are the 2 spots were I added a nullptr test as is done in the other places:

void UFMODAudioComponent::Stop()
    UE_LOG(LogFMOD, Verbose, TEXT("UFMODAudioComponent %p Stop"), this);
    if (StudioInstance && StudioInstance->isValid())
void UFMODAudioComponent::ReleaseEventInstance()
    if (StudioInstance && StudioInstance->isValid())

Thanks for the code snippets. I’ve passed this issue along to the development team for further investigation.