"Delay Interval" inconsistency/bug?


I’m trying to randomize the delay on a thunder sound before it actually plays. I.e. The lightning visual plays and triggers my Thunder event, and then the instrument delays the actual sound by 300-3000ms. I did this in Designer using the “Trigger Delay” feature (within the Sound Def), but it doesn’t seem to be working consistently in Studio when I use “Delay Interval”.

For my case, I have a parameter called “Random” (set by our game code) that is used to trigger different instrument modules each with their own “Delay Interval” range. When I trigger the event, it can sometimes be fine, but if the event is active and I set the “Random” parameter to a new value, the “Delay Interval” seems to be ignored a lot of the time. I haven’t quite figured out if there’s a consistent pattern.

The Designer-to-Studio project importer translated “Trigger Delay” to “Delay Interval”, so I assume “Delay Interval” is the way to do this.


I finally understand what was going on with “Delay Interval”. I’m doing a Designer to Studio port, and although the delay interval values were correctly brought over from Designer, the importer always defaults to “Tempo” instead of “Time” mode. So I just needed to go into each scatterer or multi-instrument to make sure it’s set to “Time” mode for the “Delay Interval”.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’ll check how migration handles delay intervals and make any fixes that could cause something like this.