Huawei mobile phones with Bluetooth headsets have a delay of 0.5-0.6s
What FMOD Integration version are you using?
You may want to run the Oboe testing app to determine whether the issue is coming from the device or from FMOD -
If the app reports similar latency or experiences crackling, the issue is with the device and the manufacturer will need to address it.
Hello, My Fmod Studio’s version is 2.02.12。when I use Fmod API that version 2.02.12. My HuaWei mobile with Bluetooth has a delay of about 0.6s. After I upgrade my Fmod API to 2.02.19, There still has a delay of 0.5-0.6s
My HuaWei mobile is Harmony OS 4.0
Thank you for the information.
Using Bluetooth devices will have some unavoidable delays, further explained here: FMOD Engine | Platform Details - Android.
Testing with Oboe I was also experiencing delays of 500ms, an option may be testing some of the other Anrdoid output options to see if the delays are more acceptable: FMOD Engine | Core API Reference - System.
Hope this helps