Development of Automatic Detection Scripts

How can I develop an automatic detection script using JavaScript that can monitor when an audio designer successfully creates an event in FMOD Studio? The script would automatically check if the name of the event ends with a space. If it does end with a space, an alert window would immediately pop up to notify the sound designer. If there’s no space at the end of the event name, no action would

Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to automatically detect when an event has been created in Studio. We do have existing callbacks under the studio.project module, so I can see the case for expanding it to include event creation, and I’ve added it to our internal feature tracker.

That said, Studio should automatically prune whitespace from the end of event names - is whitespace at the end of event names a problem that you’re running into?

Yes, I have encountered situations where there is a space at the end of the event. This occurs when events are automatically created from Assets if Asset itself contains whitespace at the end.

Thanks for letting me know, I’ve been able to reproduce it and have passed this on to the development team for further investigation. If you run into any other ways that events can exist with whitespace at the end of their names, please let me know.

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