Different lengths of sounds in multi-instrument

I need the sounds in the multi-instrument to play at different speeds. (So that if the sound is shorter, then it plays faster and there is no pause before the next sound). Enabling async changes the visual style, but the result is the same.

There’s no function to do this automatically. You could change the duration of the sound with a conjunction of macro pitch and pitch shifter, but this has to be done manually for each sound.
The best would be to bake your sounds to the right length in your DAW.

Thanks for your reply! Just in case, I’ll clarify again what I need. The left item on the second track has a shaded area automatically made - I need it to be absent and after the end of the sound, the next sound immediately follows. It can be either a second sound, as in the screenshot, or a new sound in the loop.

Ok I see. Yes it’s possible. You have to put those two multis inside the playlist of a parent multi. It’s also possible inside an action sheet. Play with the options to find the right ones.

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Thank you very much for your answers and for helping me understand this program! But, I haven’t succeeded yet. I’ve tried different options. I will also try to describe my task.

Here is a solution that I can use to solve this problem. It’s ugly, but it shows what exactly I want to get.

On the left side (which is inside the loop region) are the sequentially played sounds (almost the same as the sequentional multi-instrument mode).

The four multi-instruments on the right are the same copied multi-instrument.

The transition markers on the left have an approximately 30% chance of triggering. Transition markers on the right are always triggered.

To describe in general what I have achieved this way: the sounds on the left go one after the other. Sometimes the transition is triggered and one random sound from the multi-instrument is played between them. Then the cursor moves back and the sounds are played further.

This is what I wanted to do with two instruments - one in sequence mode, the other in random. It would be nicer and more logical. But there’s a problem.

This is what sounds look like in a multi-instrument. This shaded space is a pause that is added to shorter sounds. The sounds do not follow one after the other.

If I enable async, the appearance changes, but the pauses do not disappear. This little white cursor runs through the sound ahead of the main cursor, but then there is still a pause.

I have tried nesting multi-instruments in other multi-instruments and other things, but so far I have not been able to figure out how to solve my problem correctly.

I would be very grateful if you could help me find a solution. If it’s not difficult for you, please attach a sample project.

Thanks a lot!

There’s something I’m not clear on. You say you want the sounds in a multi-instrument to play at different speeds. Do you actually need the sounds to all take the same amount of time? Or is it enough that you avoid the silence at the end of shorter sounds?

If you just need to avoid the silence, the solution is simple: Just use nested multi instruments.

  1. Create one multi instrument that’s set to sequential playlist selection mode and has loop mode enabled.
  2. Place a multi instrument set to shuffle playlist selection mode inside the first multi instrument’s playlist.
  3. If there’s anything you want to play after the second (inner) multi insturment has finished playing, place it in the first (outer) multi instrument’s playlist after the (inner) multi instrument.
  4. Set the first (outer) multi instrument’s play count to be equal to the number of entries in its playlist.

If you do this, the first multi instrument will play through the entries in its playlist in sequence. When it gets to the second multi instrument, that multi instrument will select one of its own playlist entries to play; as soon as it’s finished, the first multi instrument will continue playing through the entries in its playlist.

This method is easiest to use with an asynchronous instrument, but should work with a synchronous instrument if you resize it to be long enough.

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Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! Unfortunately, I never managed to achieve the desired result. I created a small test case. Could you create in this project what you talked about?

This example shows what I need. Consecutive sounds, between which a random sound from a set of sounds is randomly inserted.
But there is still a problem here that there are pauses in multi-tools. They shouldn’t be.

I’m home in a few hours and will be able to test your project.
In the meantime, try this:

Create a parent multi instrument, with async and loop button checked, sequential local mode, in a timeline or an action sheet, with a loop on it (or a sustain point).
Put 2 elements inside :

  • a multi with the sounds of your left part
  • a nested event

At the beggining of the timeline of the nested event, put another multi with all the sounds of your right part. Set this multi to async, and set it to randomly trigger only 30% of the time.

That way, the parent multi will play a sound of the first multi every time, and then try to play the second part, which should play only 30% of time, and then come back to the first part.

Thank you! I tried it but it didn’t work as expected. It is difficult to explain what exactly is wrong, but it does not work as it should …

Maybe the end of the multi in the second element isn’t detected correctly, maybe try with different lenghts (I would try very short). I’ll try that in a moment.

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Unfortunately, I still didn’t get it, no matter how hard I tried. I would be grateful if you edit my project or send your example.

Ok, so the solution I suggested works as expected. And I was right in my last message: the nested multi has to have a minimal lenght, for it to be detected as 0 duration when it doesn’t trigger (70% of time). It’s the “Solution 1”.

I also found a more elegant solution (“Solution 2”), using a silence instrument (set to 0s, with 70% chance of triggering).

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It’s amazing! I didn’t even think that everything would work so perfectly. Thanks a lot! It definitely helped me learn more about how the program works.

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