Recently I started learning how to use the FMOD API for my HTML5 project, but I am running into some problems.
I am trying to use the Studio::System::lookupPath function, but I keep getting the “Event not found” error when using it.
Here’s what my code looks like:
toPathFromGuid : function(guid) {
let pathBuffer = new Uint8Array(256);
let retrievedSize = pathBuffer.length;
let result = FMOD.ERR_TRUNCATED;do { result = gSystem.lookupPath(guid, pathBuffer, retrievedSize, retrievedSize); } while (result === FMOD.ERR_TRUNCATED); return new TextDecoder().decode(pathBuffer.subarray(0, retrievedSize - 1)); }
My first guess was that the banks simply weren’t loaded correctly, so I tried it out by playing a sound trough looking up an EventDescription using the Studio::System::getEvent
This does seem to work, which should mean that the bank is loaded correctly.
Later, I also tried the Studio::System::getBankList function, but this returned an empty array.
To load the banks I followed the FMOD load_banks example code, using the Studio::System::loadBankFile function.
Thanks in advance for the help.