We are having a major error with FMOD after setting up the Source Control between a previously existent Mac project and a new Windows workspace.
I am using 1.10.14 with Perforce as Source Control.
After setting up the windows project we found that we had some character encoding issues and we solved them in the mac version. I pushed that changes to Perforce and Sync in the WIndows.
It was weird because the Windows Project didn’t understand that and some files had suddenly dissapeared. I solved the errors also in windows and changed the assets in the referenced Events.
(Some weird thing happened there because FMOD and Perforce understood that those were new files, new assets, and I had to submitted them again to the source control).
After doing that, I was trying to build the banks on the project (for UE4) and then an error occured in the bank where I had those events.
This is the error:
Error processing /././Desktop/././././Source Assets/./FMOD Name/Assets (An operating system based file error was encountered.)
The same error is happening in the Windows project.
We are looking for solutions in the forums and everywhere but we have found nothing.
We have discovered that some xml files didn’t have a Name in the Path. We have deleted those files but we still have this issue.
This is the log errors we are having:
- 15:11:07 [Build bank “OceanBank”)]: Time started
- 15:11:07 [Write /Users/././././././UE4/Content/./Audio/FMOD/Desktop/OceanBank.bank to file]: Time started
- 15:11:07 [Runtime]fmod_os_misc.cpp(220), FMOD_OS_File_Read(): fread failed, errno = 21
- 15:11:07 [Runtime]fmod_systemi_sound.cpp(221), SystemI::createCodec(): Fatal error (13) scanning the codecs. (ie not FMOD_ERR_FORMAT or FMOD_ERR_FILE_EOF)
- 15:11:07 [Runtime]Error processing /Users/././././././Source Assets/Music/FMOD…/Assets (An operating system based file error was encountered.)
! 15:11:07 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
! 15:11:07 “FMOD_ERROR /Users/raymond/jenkins/workspace/Build__1.10__Studio_Mac/studio/src/Model/Bank.cpp(150): modelBuilder.builder()->writeToStream(&stream, bankVersion, exportFlags)”
- 15:11:07 [Write /Users/././././././UE4/Content/./Audio/FMOD/Desktop/OceanBank.bank to file]: Time taken is 46.51ms
! 15:11:07 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
! 15:11:07 “FMOD_ERROR /Users/raymond/jenkins/workspace/Build__1.10__Studio_Mac/studio/src/Model/Bank.cpp(164): buildBank(this, dataType, absoluteBinaryPath(platform, sBankSuffix(dataType)))” - 15:11:07 [Build bank “OceanBank”)]: Time taken is 149.55ms
If someone has a solution or an idea you are, please, welcome to share.