Error when builiding banks for PlayStation 4: "Failed to encode bank due to the following error: An operating system based file error was encountered."

Like the title says. When building the “VO” bank for PlayStation 4 I get this error: Failed to encode bank “VO” due to the following error: An operating system based file error was encountered. I work with Unreal Engine 4.26 and FMOD Studio version 2.01.09. Why could this be happening?

Have you copied libatrac9.dll into your FMOD Studio directory?

Yep, even redownloaded it from Sony’s SDK and replaced the one I’ve had until now. To no avail, unfortunately.

Thank you for confirming- is there any more to the error or is it just popping up with that?
Can you please go to Window>Console in FMOD Studio, click on the Logging tab and click Show Verbose Logging, attempt to build your PS4 banks and share the console output?

Here’s the error the console outputs:

11:07:34 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
11:07:34 “FMOD_ERROR f:\jk\workspace\build__2.1__studio_win\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(140): modelBuilder.builder()->writeToStream(&stream, bankVersion, exportFlags)”
11:07:34 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
11:07:34 “FMOD_ERROR f:\jk\workspace\build__2.1__studio_win\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(154): buildBank(this, dataType, absoluteBinaryPath(platform, locale, sBankSuffix(dataType)))”

In a previous case this error has indicated missing or corrupt files. Is there a yellow “Missing File(s)” icon lit up in your project? If so you can click on it and try to resolve any missing files. Otherwise you could try the suggested resolution from the linked case and create a new bank, assigning events from other banks one by one until you find the event causing the build to fail.

I have the same issue too,there’s no missing file(s).and every event assigned to the master bank would cause issue.
here’s error log issue fragment

07:05:58 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
07:05:58 “FMOD_ERROR c:\buildagent2\work\b8b6893b00c565e4\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(136): modelBuilder.builder()->writeToStream(&stream, bankVersion, exportFlags)”
07:05:58 [Write E:/FTP/misc/software/FMOD studio/some random music/Build/Desktop/ to file]: Time taken is 1516.39ms (1.516s)
07:05:58 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”
07:05:58 “FMOD_ERROR c:\buildagent2\work\b8b6893b00c565e4\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(150): buildBank(this, dataType, absoluteBinaryPath(platform, locale, sBankSuffix(dataType)))”


What version of FMOD and Unreal Engine are you using? What consoles are you building too?

Is it okay if I piggyback on this to ask what this might mean?

14:00:40 Macro: Build Started Sript Action

14:00:40 [Build 10 banks for 1 platforms]: Time started

14:00:40 [Gather file stats in D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Assets]: Time started

14:00:40 [Gather file stats in D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Assets]: Time taken is 0.89ms (0.000s)

14:00:40 [Build bank “Snow Music”]: Time started

14:00:40 [Write D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Build/Desktop/Snow to file]: Time started

14:00:41 fmod_systemi_driver.cpp(583), SystemI::setOutputInternal(): Setting output to ‘FMOD NoSound Output - Non real-time’

14:00:41 fmod_systemi.cpp(2798), SystemI::init(): Initialize version=20226 (148250), maxchannels=0, flags=0x00000001

14:00:41 fmod_thread.cpp(216), Thread::initThread(): Init FSBank worker thread. Affinity: 0x0, Priority: 0xFFFF7FFD, Stack Size: 131072, Semaphore: Yes, Sleep Time: 0, Looping: Yes. [#24 times]

14:00:41 fmod_thread.cpp(172), Thread::callback(): FSBank worker thread finished. [#24 times]

14:00:41 fmod_systemi.cpp(922), SystemI::close(): Closed.

14:00:41 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”

14:00:41 “FMOD_ERROR c:\buildagent1\work\570ad728b1678096\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(142): modelBuilder.builder()->writeToStream(&stream, bankVersion, exportFlags)”

14:00:41 [Write D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Build/Desktop/Snow to file]: Time taken is 840.32ms (0.840s)

14:00:41 “FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error.”

14:00:41 “FMOD_ERROR c:\buildagent1\work\570ad728b1678096\studio\src\model\bank.cpp(156): buildBank(this, dataType, absoluteBinaryPath(platform, locale, sBankSuffix(dataType)))”

14:00:41 [Build bank “Snow Music”]: Time taken is 917.72ms (0.917s)

14:00:46 [Build 10 banks for 1 platforms]: Time taken is 5525.73ms (5.525s)

14:00:46 Macro: Build Ended Script Action

14:00:46 Event activated: event:/Bicycles/Collisions/Smashables/Smashable Ball

14:00:46 Activated ‘Ghost Bike.fspro[*] - Event Editor’ for ‘D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Ghost Bike.fspro’

14:00:50 Activated ‘Ghost Bike.fspro[*] - Console’ for ‘D:/Ghostbike/ghostbike/FMOD/Ghost Bike.fspro’

i’ve just started getting the error when building.


Could I grab some info:

  • What version of FMOD are you using?
  • How are you building these banks?
  • Is this happening in FMOD Studio or in UE?
  • Could I get the full log?


Hey Connor!

Yes! This started when i was using 2.02.17 and since, I’ve upgraded to 2.02.26. Problem persisted through the upgrade.

Just building them by pressing F7. If that’s what you mean?

This is happening in FMOD studio. We’re using Unity for the game.

I can get you the full log tomorrow when I’m back in the studio. Apologies it can’t be sooner.

There was a recent issue where one of the engineers in the project put a gitignore of .xml files in the project, rendering all my new events and any work in them, purely local…

(side note: very hard to debug as i was seeing .xml files in the staging area of git and the banks were being updated and the audio was being added to the project. took a project change and me deleting my local repo (to reclone) to finally work out what happened.)

It left a lot of unhappy audio files “Unimported”. When i started trying to redo the work on my desktop and fix the audio/recreate the lost events, this is when I started to run into the issue.

Back with full log in the morning!


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Thank you for the information.

What is the target platform:

Could you please validate the project for me:

Let me know if it identifies any issues.

Where are you finding these logs?

Here a full log from this morning (from your suggested Window > Console > Logging (select “show verbose logging” above)

i opened fmod, tried to build, got errors from the get go. i reset the PS5 and Xbox platforms to be “Opus” rather than Vorbis (these are the settings i wondered were the problem)

curiously, it fixed the issue until it got to the last bits “Tramonto Music”, “Tramonto SFX” and “Unused”…maybe more, but it updated the Junkyard SFX bank, for example, which i’d just done some work on.

It’s become a problem since i’ve been messing with the PS5 and Xbox banks.

Fmod log.txt (121.5 KB)

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I validated it before getting in touch with you here but will do it again anyway just in case.

edit : validated again successfully. here’s another log, i deleted the PS5 and xbox platforms and still ran into errors so i’m probably barking up the wrong tree with that idea.

131237 [Validation Status] Checking.txt (302.1 KB)

Thank you for the logs and the information.

Would it be possible to get the project uploaded to your profile with the following settings

This will allow me to try building on my side.