Event Reference Updater doesn't detect changes in scriptable objects


We’re using ScriptableObjects as sound containers in our project. They contain a List of a custom class “SoundEvent”, which has an EventReference field inside. Unfortunately, the Event Reference Updater doesn’t seem to be able to detect changes in these EventReferences whenever we rename events in FMOD Studio. Is there any way I could modify the EventReferenceUpdater script to find and update the changes in these references? I’m attaching the relevant snippets of code for context below.

Scriptable Object:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Eof.Sound
    public class SoundHolderSO : ScriptableObject
        [SerializeField] private List<SoundEvent> soundEvents = new();
        [SerializeField] private List<MusicEvent> musicEvents = new();
        public List<SoundEvent> SoundEvents => soundEvents;
        public List<MusicEvent> MusicEvents => musicEvents;


using System;
using FMODUnity;
using UnityEngine;
using Eof.Tools;

namespace Eof.Sound
    public class SoundEvent
        [SerializeField] protected SoundActionType actionType = SoundActionType.Start;
        [SerializeField] protected SoundHandlerTrigger trigger;
        [SerializeField, SoundAnimationTrigger, SoundAnimationClip] protected AnimationClip animationClip;
        [SerializeField, SoundAnimationTrigger] protected int animationFrame; 
        [SerializeField] protected EventReference reference;
        [SerializeField] protected bool followsTransform = true;

        [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected FMOD.GUID eventID;

        public EventReference Reference => reference;
        public SoundHandlerTrigger Trigger => trigger;
        public SoundActionType ActionType => actionType;
        public AnimationClip AnimationClip => animationClip;
        public int AnimationFrame => animationFrame;


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So the issue is our EventReferenceUpdater will only look surface level on objects for references. I will pass on the suggestion to improve this to our development team to look into further, thank you for the suggestion.
You could possibly add a new search field in the GetGenericUpdateTasks() on line 519 of the EventReferenceUpdater.cs to search for your SoundHolderSO objects using any of the members of FieldInfo. This will require also referencing an Assembly-CSharp class in our FMODUnityEditor assembly.

Hope this helps.

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