Feature request: Add video support to profiler

Currently, the profiler is very useful. It records both the output that the player is hearing, and everything going on in FMOD. It’s a great feature, and it really helps the designer make good decisions. However, the one thing we can’t compare is how the audio fits the visuals. It would be great to be able to see visually what was going on while the profiler session plays back.

Idea A

Add a screen recorder to FMOD Studio that records as soon as we hit record in the profiler. It could record a specific window. Window-specific recording exists in other software, like Discord and OBS. The video would then automatically appear on the timeline, synced to the audio.

Idea B

Another idea would be to not add screen recording to FMOD Studio itself, but rather to enable the user to upload an existing video to the profiler session. The user could manually sync the video up with the audio.

Both of these are rather hefty feature requests, but I also feel like they could be doable. Perhaps by making use of an open-source solution like ffmpeg.


I love this. It would be huge for fine tuning things off of a perfect capture of gameplay events you’re trying to focus on. No need to manually, and continually recreate actions and retrigger events, so you can focus on listening and observing rather than performing. The ability to loop a section would be great too.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I can see how it’d be useful to be able to synchronize recorded video to a profiler session. I’ll add it to our feature/improvement tracker.


Love this as well! What about the possibility of putting images (videos) in the sandbox and syncing those sessions with the profiler ?

I’m afraid I’m not sure what exactly you mean. Could you describe in more detail how you imagine this feature working?

Scenes in the sandbox are a great place to experiment with interactive sound design, but they lack visual feedback. This could be addressed with a static visual (e.g., a JPG) showing the map from above with events overlaid on it. Alternatively, it could be a video, but this would require recording the movement of 3D events. The link with the profiler should allow real-time listening to sound events and their positions. Additionally, it will need to capture video progression from the scene. During profiler playback, the video and sounds should be in sync.

Thanks! That’s very clear, and I can definitely see how it’d make things easier. I’ll add the idea to our feature/improvement tracker.


I’d like to add my vote here too, thanks @Mordi for bringing it up. There’s some overlap on the “visual attachments/annotation” front, I have a related suggestion to add IMAGES (or even videos?) to the notes field. 💡 REQUEST: Add screenshots and visual media to notes

Cross-referencing media to sync sound to sight is at the core of what a lot of us do here, and especially when precise timing matters and time has passed, seeing a video + audio instantly communicates: “AH! THAT THING!”

After using tools like Notion and many others that thrive on cross-links, I yearn for similar “connect all the related things” in FMOD Studio!

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I’ve added you to the list of people interested in this feature.