Fmod event keeps playing after exiting play mode in UE5

With 1 specific fmod event, after it gets triggered when I’m in play mode, after exiting play mode the sound keeps playing. This bug can stack, so I’m hearing different instances of the sound. It stops when I close UE5.
This is the event that is getting played.


Thank you for bringing to our attention. Could I please get your FMOD Integration version?


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Thank you for the information.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the behavior with the following event:

How are you triggering the event in the scene?

Hello. Sorry for the long wait. Here is how the sound is getting played.

Sometimes the fmod audio component can be set to a different sound and when that sound is done playing it will be set back to the sound that was set in begin played.

It doesn’t continue playing if the NPC is “killed” where the component is destroyed.

Also, I packaged the game and the sound persisted in other levels.

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Thank you for the screenshots and the information.

Unfortunately, I am still unable to reproduce the issue.

Would it be possible to upload a stripped out version of the UE project uploaded to your profile and package your FMOD Studio project with the following settings:

Thank you

I uploaded the project, like you said and stripped away as much as I could. In doing so I managed to find the main cause of the bug. In BP_Sonar_Overider I have OnEventStopped(FMODAudio) this event is getting called when a level is unloaded/exiting. I need to call this event because it is replacing an fmod event when it finishes and setting the player back to its default sound. An example - the enemy is running and playing a breathing sound(default sound) from its mouth fmod component, then the enemy decides to attack and it plays a grunting sound from its mouth fmod component, when the grunting ends it goes back to the default breathing sound.

Thank you for the project, unfortunately, I was unable to launch it or rebuild it from source.

If an event instance is restarted then the parameter will default to its initial value:
So it may not be necessary to reset the parameters. The events should be stopping when exiting play mode

I tried to recreate the issue with the following BP:

Unfortunately, I was still not able to reproduce the issue. Could I get a screen recording of the issue? The recording can be uploaded to your profile if you don’t want to share it here.

I uploaded the video and reuploaded the project again. But in any case here is a more detailed rundown.

This is the fmod event.

On begin play the enemy spawns in BP_Fmod_Bug_Child in the project and gets the fmod reference, and call SetDefaultSound.

This is used during event tick to change the breathing sound of the enemy

BP_Fmod_Bug_Child has its fmod event assigned to in the base class(BP_Fmod_Bug) event SetBaseValues.

Now the culprit seams to be the OnEventStopped(FMODAudio), this event is getting called when the fmod event has finished playing. And by the end of the event chain the SetBaseValues has been called.

Thank you for the video and the screenshots. I have been able to reproduce the issue.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a workaround at the moment. I have passed on the issue for our development team to investigate further.

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