Fmod event crashes game build when reloading sublevel

Hello. In my packaged game I have a simple actor that has a child actor with an Fmod audio component. The actor is playing a sound periodically, If the sublevel is reloaded(contains the Fmod actors) then the game crashes with a fatal error.

This is how Im reloading the sublevel:

The weird situations where the game dose/ dosent crash:

  • If there are 5+ instances of the actor in the level - Crash
  • If there there is 1 instances of the actor in the level - NO Crash
  • If the reload event happens when the actor IS playing a sound - Crash
  • if the actors are close to the player (~<10m) when the reload event happens - Crash
  • If the actors are far away from the player (>200m) with the spatializeer distance override set to max (sound can be heard at full volume from the player) - NO crash.
  • If the actors are far away from the player (>200m) with the spatializeer distance override set to very low distance (sound CANT be heard from the player) - NO crash.

The way my fmod event is played is explained in my other post.

Fmod version : 2.02.23
UE 5.3

The Crash Log:
I uploaded the crash log to my profile

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Would it be possible to upload a stripped out version of your UE project uploaded to your profile along with your FMOD Studio project with the following settings:
