FMOD Events using Oculus Spatializer plugin stop playing


After awhile FMOD events that are using Oculus Spatialization plugin, stop playing. FMOD profiler registring correct number of event being played, but the audio levels are absent (-80). Screenshot attached.

After deleting Oculus Spatialization plugin from the FMOD event, event play and sounds properly.

All FMOD events with Oculus Spatialization pluging have this issue.

Issue occurs after a lot of instances of Events happened. Some sounds start to fall off, and after some time all Events using Oculus Spatialization plugin does not sound.

Unity 5.4.2f2, fmod, Audio SDK 1.1.2

Already posted on Oculus forums. No answere yet. Maybe somebody had the same problem. Do you know why this may happen?


Thanks for your report, Oculus have seen your post on their forums and are following up with us directly.

We’ve found an instance leak caused by the PlayOneShotAttached API in our Unity wrapper which will cause the limited Oculus panners to go over their maximum. This will be fixed for our next release, thanks for your bug report.

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