FMOD hangs in unity periodically

I’m not sure how to reproduce this, but it happens every so often.
We use programmer sounds for dialogue in our game. Sometimes, when we try to play audio, the program hangs waiting for FMOD to play the audio.

For some reason, starting a new program outside of unity (Activity Monitor in this instance) seems to unblock FMOD.

That does sound strange. Could you tell us exactly how you’re handling the programmer sound callbacks and calls?

Certainly! Here’s the class I use to control FMOD. You’ll want to look at “HandleCreateDialogueRoutineAsync”

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using FMOD.Studio;
using FMODUnity;
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

namespace Audio
    public class FMODSound : Sound
        // Constants
        private const float GarbageCollectorIntervalSecs = 1f;
        private static readonly WaitForSeconds GarbageCollectorIntervalWait = new WaitForSeconds(GarbageCollectorIntervalSecs);
        private static readonly FMOD.Sound NullSoundStruct; // zeroed out
        private static readonly FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO NullSoundInfoStruct; // zeroed out
        private static readonly FMOD.Studio.EventInstance NullEventInstance; // zeroed out
        private static readonly SoundInstance NullSoundInstance = new FMODSoundInstanceContainer().GetReference();

        // References
        public List<string> GlobalBanks;
        public List<string> LocalizedGlobalBanks;
        public string DialogueEvent;

        // Properties
        private List<FMODSoundInstanceContainer> ActiveSoundInstances;
        private Dictionary<string, string> LoadedBanksToOwner;
        private SoundInstance CurrentMusic;
        private Coroutine GarbageCollectorCoroutine;

        void OnValidate()
            for (int i = 0; i < LocalizedGlobalBanks.Count; i++)
                if (LocalizedGlobalBanks[i].Contains("_")) LocalizedGlobalBanks[i] = LocalizedGlobalBanks[i].Split('_')[0];

        protected override void OnEnable()
            // Base

            // Create Loaded Banks Map
            LoadedBanksToOwner = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            // Create Sound Instance List
            ActiveSoundInstances = new List<FMODSoundInstanceContainer>();

            // Load Global Banks 
            foreach (string bank in GlobalBanks) LoadBank(bank);

            // Load Localized Global Banks 
            foreach (string bank in LocalizedGlobalBanks) LoadBankLocalized(bank);

            // Start Garbage Collector
            GarbageCollectorCoroutine = StartCoroutine(GarbageCollectorRoutine());

        protected override void OnDisable()
            // Stop Garbage Collector

            // Force Garbage Collect All

            // Unload All Banks

         * Bank Loading
        protected override void HandleLoadBankLocalized(string bank) => HandleLoadBank(bank + "_" + Localization.Language);
        protected override void HandleLoadBank(string bank)
            if (!LoadedBanksToOwner.ContainsKey(bank))
                catch (BankLoadException e)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to load bank: " + e);
            if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene() == null)
                UnityAction<Scene, Scene> handler = null;
                SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += handler = (Scene from, Scene to) =>
                    SceneManager.activeSceneChanged -= handler;
                    LoadedBanksToOwner[bank] = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
            else LoadedBanksToOwner[bank] = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

        protected override void HandleUnloadBank(string bank)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bank) || !LoadedBanksToOwner.ContainsKey(bank)) return;

        private void UnloadAllBanks()
            string[] banks = new string[LoadedBanksToOwner.Count];
            LoadedBanksToOwner.Keys.CopyTo(banks, 0);
            foreach (string bank in banks) UnloadBank(bank);

         * Sound Playing
        protected override SoundInstance HandleCreateSound(string soundEventKey) => CreateSoundInstance(soundEventKey).GetReference();

        protected override SoundInstance HandleCreateMusic(string musicEventKey)
            // Stop Old Music
            if (CurrentMusic != null) CurrentMusic.Stop();

            // Return Sound Instance
            CurrentMusic = CreateSoundInstance(musicEventKey).GetReference();
            return CurrentMusic;

        protected override void HandlePlayOneShot(string soundEventKey) => FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.PlayOneShot(soundEventKey,;

        protected override void HandleCreateDialogueRoutineAsync(string dialogueTableKey, Action<SoundInstance> soundReadyCallback)
            if (soundReadyCallback == null) return;
            StartCoroutine(HandlePlayDialogueRoutineAsyncRoutine(dialogueTableKey, soundReadyCallback));
        private IEnumerator HandlePlayDialogueRoutineAsyncRoutine(string dialogueTableKey, Action<SoundInstance> soundReadyCallback)
            // Load Sound Path
            FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO dialogueSoundInfo;
            FMOD.RESULT keyResult = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager
                .getSoundInfo(dialogueTableKey, out dialogueSoundInfo);
            if (keyResult != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                Debug.LogError("Couldn't find dialogue with key: " + dialogueTableKey);
                yield break;

            // Load Sound
            FMOD.Sound dialogueSound;
            FMOD.MODE soundMode = FMOD.MODE.LOOP_NORMAL
                | FMOD.MODE.NONBLOCKING;
            FMOD.RESULT soundResult = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CoreSystem.createSound(
                dialogueSoundInfo.name_or_data, soundMode | dialogueSoundInfo.mode,
                ref dialogueSoundInfo.exinfo, out dialogueSound);
            if (soundResult != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                Debug.LogError("Couldn't load sound: " + dialogueTableKey);
                yield break;

            // Wait to Load
            int maxFrameWait = 120;
            FMOD.OPENSTATE openstate;
            uint percentbuffered;
            bool starving;
            bool diskbusy;
            dialogueSound.getOpenState(out openstate, out percentbuffered, out starving, out diskbusy);
            while (openstate != FMOD.OPENSTATE.READY)
                yield return null;
                dialogueSound.getOpenState(out openstate, out percentbuffered, out starving, out diskbusy);
                if (--maxFrameWait <= 0)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to load dialogue sound " + dialogueTableKey);
                    yield break;

            // Create Instance 
            soundReadyCallback(CreateSoundInstance(DialogueEvent, dialogueSound, dialogueSoundInfo).GetReference());

        protected override SoundInstance HandleGetCurrentMusic() => CurrentMusic;

         * Timescale Pause Toggle
        protected override void HandleTimescalePauseToggle(bool pause)
            foreach (FMODSoundInstanceContainer instanceContainer in ActiveSoundInstances)

        private FMODSoundInstanceContainer CreateSoundInstance(string eventName) => CreateSoundInstance(eventName, NullSoundStruct, NullSoundInfoStruct);
        private FMODSoundInstanceContainer CreateSoundInstance(string eventName, FMOD.Sound sound, FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO soundInfo)
            FMOD.Studio.EventInstance instance = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(eventName);
            FMODSoundInstanceContainer instanceContainer = new FMODSoundInstanceContainer(instance, eventName, sound, soundInfo);
            return instanceContainer;

        private IEnumerator GarbageCollectorRoutine()
            while (true)
                yield return GarbageCollectorIntervalWait;

        private void RunGarbageCollectorSweep(bool destroyAll = false)
            List<FMODSoundInstanceContainer> retainList = new List<FMODSoundInstanceContainer>();
            FMOD.Studio.PLAYBACK_STATE state;
            foreach (FMODSoundInstanceContainer container in ActiveSoundInstances)
                // Destroy Everything
                if (destroyAll)

                // Conditional Destruction 
                // Must be Stopped/Paused and Dead
                if (!container.IsAlive())
                    bool isPaused;
                    container.EventInstance.getPaused(out isPaused);
                    container.EventInstance.getPlaybackState(out state);
                    if (state == FMOD.Studio.PLAYBACK_STATE.STOPPED || isPaused)
                else retainList.Add(container);
            ActiveSoundInstances = retainList;

         * Sound Instance Classes
        private class FMODSoundInstanceContainer
            // Parent Class Public
            public FMOD.Studio.EventInstance EventInstance;
            public string EventKey;
            public List<CallbackAndMask> Callbacks;
            // Properties
            private FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK FMODCallback;
            private WeakReference<FMODSoundInstance> Reference;
            private FMODCallbackWrapper CallbackWrapper;
            private GCHandle CallbackWrapperHandle;
            private bool timeScalePaused;

            public FMODSoundInstanceContainer() : this(NullEventInstance, string.Empty) { } // Used for failure to load
            public FMODSoundInstanceContainer(FMOD.Studio.EventInstance eventInstance, string eventKey) : this(eventInstance, eventKey, NullSoundStruct, NullSoundInfoStruct) { }
            public FMODSoundInstanceContainer(FMOD.Studio.EventInstance eventInstance, string eventKey, FMOD.Sound sound, FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO soundInfo)
                this.EventInstance = eventInstance;
                this.EventKey = eventKey;
                this.Reference = new WeakReference<FMODSoundInstance>(new FMODSoundInstance(this));
                this.Callbacks = new List<CallbackAndMask>(128);
                // Setup Callback Handler
                this.FMODCallback = new FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK(FMODUnmanagedCallback);
                this.CallbackWrapper = new FMODCallbackWrapper(FMODCallbackHandler, sound, soundInfo);
                this.CallbackWrapperHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(CallbackWrapper, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.STOPPED  // Stop is the only user supported event 

            public SoundInstance GetReference()
                FMODSoundInstance instance;
                Reference.TryGetTarget(out instance);
                return instance;

            public bool IsAlive()
                FMODSoundInstance instance;
                return Reference.TryGetTarget(out instance);

            public void DestroyInstance()
                if (IsAlive()) Debug.LogError("Destroying SoundInstance that still has an owner");

            public void TimeScalePause(bool pause)
                if (pause)
                    if (timeScalePaused) return;
                    PLAYBACK_STATE playbackState;
                    EventInstance.getPlaybackState(out playbackState);
                    if (playbackState == PLAYBACK_STATE.PLAYING)
                        timeScalePaused = true;
                else if (timeScalePaused)
                    timeScalePaused = false;

            private void FMODCallbackHandler(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE eventType)
                foreach (CallbackAndMask callback in this.Callbacks)
                    if (callback.IsCallbackTypeListener(eventType))

            private static FMOD.RESULT FMODUnmanagedCallback(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE type, IntPtr instancePtr, IntPtr parameterPtr)
                // Get Instance
                FMOD.Studio.EventInstance instance = new FMOD.Studio.EventInstance(instancePtr);
                // Retrieve the user data
                IntPtr callbackWrapperPtr;
                FMOD.RESULT result = instance.getUserData(out callbackWrapperPtr);
                if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to fetch user data for audio callback: " + result);
                else if (callbackWrapperPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // Grab Parameters
                    GCHandle callbackWrapperHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(callbackWrapperPtr);
                    FMODCallbackWrapper callbackWrapper = (FMODCallbackWrapper)callbackWrapperHandle.Target;

                    // Handle Default Actions
                    switch (type)
                                FMOD.Studio.PROGRAMMER_SOUND_PROPERTIES programmerSoundProperties =
                                        parameterPtr, typeof(FMOD.Studio.PROGRAMMER_SOUND_PROPERTIES));
                                programmerSoundProperties.sound = callbackWrapper.Sound.handle;
                                programmerSoundProperties.subsoundIndex = callbackWrapper.SoundInfo.subsoundindex;
                                Marshal.StructureToPtr(programmerSoundProperties, parameterPtr, false);
                                FMOD.Studio.PROGRAMMER_SOUND_PROPERTIES parameter =
                                        parameterPtr, typeof(FMOD.Studio.PROGRAMMER_SOUND_PROPERTIES));
                                FMOD.Sound sound = new FMOD.Sound(parameter.sound);
                        case FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.DESTROYED:

                    // Call User Callbacks
                return FMOD.RESULT.OK;

            private class FMODSoundInstance : SoundInstance
                private FMODSoundInstanceContainer Container;
                public FMODSoundInstance(FMODSoundInstanceContainer container) => this.Container = container;

                public override string GetEventName() => Container.EventKey;

                public override void OnStateChange(Action<SoundInstanceState> callback, SoundInstanceState stateMask)
                    // Sanity Checks
                    if (callback == null) return;
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't set callback on destroyed sound instance");
                    if (stateMask != SoundInstanceState.Stopped)
                        Debug.LogError("Only Stopped and Error state are supported for callback");

                    // Store Callback
                    Container.Callbacks.Add(new CallbackAndMask(callback, stateMask));

                public override void SetParameter(string parameter, float value, bool skipSeek)
                    // Sanity
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't set parameter on destroyed sound instance");
                    FMOD.RESULT result = Container.EventInstance.setParameterByName(parameter, value, skipSeek);
                    if (result != FMOD.RESULT.OK)
                        Debug.LogError("Failed to set variable " + parameter + " to " + value + " with result " + result);

                public override void Start()
                    // Sanity
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't start a destroyed sound instance");

                public override void Stop(bool immediate = false)
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't attach a destroyed sound instance");
                    Container.EventInstance.stop(immediate ? FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.IMMEDIATE : FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.ALLOWFADEOUT);

                public override void Pause(bool pause)
                    // Sanity
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't pause a destroyed sound instance");

                public override void AttachToGameObject(GameObject gameObject)
                    // Sanity
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't attach a destroyed sound instance");
                            Container.EventInstance, gameObject.transform, gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>());

                public override void DetachFromGameObject()
                    // Sanity
                    if (!Container.EventInstance.isValid())
                        Debug.LogError("Can't detach a destroyed sound instance");

            public class CallbackAndMask
                public SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState Mask;
                public Action<SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState> Callback;

                public CallbackAndMask(Action<SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState> callback, SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState mask)
                    this.Mask = mask;
                    this.Callback = callback;

                public bool IsCallbackTypeListener(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE eventType)
                    return (TranslateType(eventType) & Mask) != 0;

                public SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState TranslateType(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE eventType)
                    switch (eventType)
                        case FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.STOPPED:
                            return SoundInstance.SoundInstanceState.Stopped;
                    return 0;

    class FMODCallbackWrapper
        // User Callback Handler 
        public Action<FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE> UserCallbackHandler;
        // Dialogue Parameters
        public FMOD.Sound Sound;
        public FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO SoundInfo;

        public FMODCallbackWrapper(Action<FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE> userCallbackHandler)
            this.UserCallbackHandler = userCallbackHandler;

        public FMODCallbackWrapper(
            Action<FMOD.Studio.EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE> userCallbackHandler,
            FMOD.Sound sound,
            FMOD.Studio.SOUND_INFO soundInfo) : this(userCallbackHandler)
            this.Sound = sound;
            this.SoundInfo = soundInfo;

Thanks! While we look over that, would you mind telling us which version of Unity and which version of FMOD Studio you’re using?

Oh, and are there any warnings or errors appearing in Unity’s logs when this issue occurs?

There are no warnings or logs when this happens. I’m using FMOD 2.01.07 and Unity 2019.4.25f1.

It’s hard to reproduce. I haven’t been working on audio as much and so it hasn’t been happening as often which makes me thing that it has something to do with building in FMOD while Unity is running. I’m not sure though. I haven’t had to rebuild in a little while since we just wrapped initial dialogue recording.

Oh no, I’m wrong. It just happened again. I’d been editing a random prefab, and then when I started the game again, the voice was locked until I opened a different program.

I wonder if this has to do with (FMOD: Cleaning up duplicate platform warning - #24 by VoodooDetective).

It’s unlikely to have any connection, but I’ll investigate.

We haven’t yet been able to reproduce this issue, so we haven’t been able to determine the cause or find a solution. However, as we have not received reports of this issue from other Unity Integration users, it seems likely that the cause is something unique to your project. Are you aware of any code or content in your Unity project that might result in it hanging until another process is started?

Also, do the hangs still occur if you comment out the lines of code that play programmer sounds?

Hmm, OK, I better try to get this to reproduce consistently. I’ll let you know if I find anything illuminating.

Just to be clear, Unity doesn’t hang, I have a part of the game that waits until the dialogue plays before continuing. That part of the game hangs silently until I open another process at which point the sound loads and plays immediately.

I finally caught FMOD in the act with verbose logging enabled. Here are the logs. This is what happens when I try to play a programmer sound, and FMOD hangs until I click outside of Unity and back. There are no further logs until I click out and back. Once I do, the sound plays and then is released. I’m not sure what causes it, but maybe its some kind of locking failure / race condition.
logs.txt (31.2 KB)

This reproduces at random for me still. Has anyone had a chance to check out my logs / code?

Hey there! This is probably the most worrisome bug I’ve found in FMOD so far because it directly affects gameplay. Has anyone had a chance to take a look?

I’ve had alpha testers running into at random now, so I know I’m not crazy. Definitely can’t ship with this happening.

Hey there, trying to get this looked at again. We’re not going to be able to use FMOD if this isn’t addressed. Please, please someone take a look.

I’ve had a look through your log with verbose logging enabled, and I can see that the FMOD asynchronous operation to create the sound completes successfully, and no further FMOD operations are being logged. It appears that the hang may be inside your SequencerCommandDialogueWait:OnDialogueReady callback.

To confirm, I’d recommend logging out the returned value of the CreateSoundInstance call at the end of HandlePlayDialogueRoutineAsyncRoutine to verify that the event instance is created successfully, and then log each step of the callback it is passed to, to determine exactly where it’s getting stuck.

Thank you so, so much for taking a look!

So I’ve sprinkled Debug.Log()s all over the code, and the last place the code executes its after: SequencerCommandDialogueWait:OnDialogueReady

Inside of FMODSound.FMODSoundInstance.Start().
FMOD.Studio.EventInstance.Start() is called in that method and then nothing happens until I click outside of unity and then back in. It’s as if FMOD is waiting for something to happen before it plays, and click out of Unity causes that thing to happen.

Regarding. HandlePlayDialogueRoutineAsyncRoutine, I put logs all through that method and it runs all the way through without any trouble. Like I said, FMOD hangs after I call Start on the EventInstance later in the code.

I’ve also noticed that once FMOD starts responding again, it plays back all queued sounds, whether or not they are Programmer Sounds or not. For instance, if the game plays a footstep and then starts a dialogue, I will not hear the footstep until after the hang is ended (by me clicking out of Unity) and I will hear it played at the same time as the dialogue I was waiting on.

I see in your FMODSoundInstance.Start() method you have the following line:


Could you please try replacing that line with the following, and see what gets logged when the issue is reproduced?

Debug.Log("Calling EventInstance.start");
Debug.Log("Finished EventInstance.start");

FMODUnity.EditorUtils.CheckResult will log any errors encountered by FMOD while attempting to start the event instance.

Adding more logging to your FMODUnmanagedCallback may also be beneficial. In particular, registering for EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.STARTED in the FMODSoundInstanceContainer constructor and adding a simple debug log line for that type to your callback’s switch statement will let you know if the event instance is being started. Independent of that is the triggering of the programmer sound - this would cause an EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE.CREATE_PROGRAMMER_SOUND event. Adding a debug log line to that type’s case will show if the programmer sound is being triggered.

Additionally, if you can provide a code snippet of the SequencerCommandDialogueWait:OnDialogueReady callback, we’ll be able to see if there’s anything there that might be interfering.

Oh awesome! I didn’t know about CheckResult! I’ve made it public, added those logs, and got it to reproduce!

Here’s what was logged. Keep in mind, the footsteps are not programmer sounds. They’re regular events, and they also did not play. No sounds play. I didn’t realize that until now.

Calling EventInstance.start - event:/SFX/Common/Voodoo Detective Footsteps
Finished EventInstance.start - event:/SFX/Common/Voodoo Detective Footsteps
In callback - sound started!

Calling EventInstance.start - event:/Voice/Dialogue
Finished EventInstance.start - event:/Voice/Dialogue

– I pause the game

Very good news!! I finally figured out how to reproduce this!

  1. I start the game
  2. A sound beings playing
  3. I pause the game in the middle of the sound and wait ~~~30 seconds
  4. I stop the game
  5. I start the game
  6. No sounds play until I click out of Unity

This is the SequencerCommandDialogueWait class:

using System;
using Audio;
using UnityEngine;
using static Audio.Sound;
using static Audio.Sound.SoundInstance;

namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.SequencerCommands
    /// <summary>
    /// Play FMOD Dialogue 
    /// Ex:
    /// DialogueWait(dialogue key, subject)  
    /// </summary>
    public class SequencerCommandDialogueWait : SequencerCommand
        // Events
        public static event Action OnDialoguePlay;
        // Static
        public static SoundInstance CurrentDialogue { get; private set; }
        public static void PauseDialogue(bool pause) => CurrentDialogue?.Pause(pause);
        public static bool IsDialoguePlaying() => CurrentDialogue != null;
        public static void StopDialogue()
            if (CurrentDialogue != null)
                CurrentDialogue = null;

        public void Awake()
            // Get Key
            string key = GetParameter(0);
            if (key == null) throw new System.Exception("Dialogue key was null in sequence");
            // Play
            Sound.CreateDialogueAsync(key, OnDialogueReady);

        public void OnDialogueSystemPause() => PauseDialogue(true);
        public void OnDialogueSystemUnpause() => PauseDialogue(false);
        private void OnDialogueReady(SoundInstance instance)
            // Get Subject
            Transform subject;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetParameter(1)) && (subject = GetSubject(1)) != null)
                // TODO test this
                Debug.Log("Attaching to instance " +;
            instance.OnStateChange(OnDialogueStop, SoundInstanceState.Stopped);
            CurrentDialogue = instance;

        private void OnDialogueStop(SoundInstanceState state)
            CurrentDialogue = null;

Just wanted to bump this.

Bumping this again. I can reproduce the issue consistently now.

I’ve tried following your reproduction steps in a minimal project and haven’t been able to recreate the issue. Could you please upload a project demonstrating the issue to your FMOD account so we can investigate further?

It would be my great pleasure! I’ve uploaded a simple reproduction. To test it, open the project in Unity and:

  1. Click play
  2. After the dialogue begins to play, but before it stops, hit pause.
  3. Click out of Unity on any other application.
  4. Click on the play button in Unity to stop the game.
  5. Try to play the game again, no audio will come out.

Unfortunately, the FMOD website is failing to allow uploads right now so here’s a link from my Google Drive.

If the website gets fixed, I’ll be happy to upload here too.