We’re exploring Unity 6 as a potential upgrade for us as it brings some interesting features. Most notably, for our player base on browsers, Unity 6 introduces WebAssembly threads for multithreading support.
It seems like this isn’t supported yet in the available FMOD version. Is this something that could be added? It would greatly enhance the web player experience as those users are stuck on a single thread so any hiccup immediately causes stutter in their audio.
I would like to +1 this. It would be nice to have as currently we cannot even use the “Enable Native C/C++ Multithreading” build setting as that will fail since FMOD doesnt support it:
fmod_file.o because it was not compiled with 'atomics' or 'bulk-memory' features
Hello !
Do you have any news about this feature ? It’s really going to be the deciding factor as to whether we use FMOD or another solution for our games
Similar case here. Currently getting this with emscripten:
wasm-ld: error: --shared-memory is disallowed by fmod_pluginfactory.o because it was not compiled with ‘atomics’ or ‘bulk-memory’ features.
If there’s any early adapter mail list or something, please add us there. Would love to get this asap to our product
Currently, we are using the default audio solution in Unity, but we plan to redo the entire sound design of the game. The multithreading feature will be essential for us to decide whether to adopt FMOD, especially since the networking framework we are using already supports multithreading(web).
I would also like to be added to the list to receive further updates.