FMOD Studio 2.01.07 Profiler Connects to Unity, but Events Aren't Recorded

For the sake of continuing to troubleshoot, I wanted to let you know what’s happened since my last post.

We are using Git for version control. A branch I had been making FMOD changes on was out of date, so I merged in our main branch (which included the commits which removed FMOD Integration and reinstalled it). After merging the main branch in, Live Update stopped working.

At this point, I repeated the operation of removing FMOD from the project. I committed the removal those files, and then proceeded to install the 2.01.10 Integration again. After restarting Unity, I was unable to perform the Linking in the FMOD Setup Wizard. It had several errors while trying to render the form:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to instance of an object
(at Editor/BankRefresher.cs:53)
Object at index 0 is null
(at Mono/SerializedObject.bindings.cs:22)

Et cetera. So, I checked out all files to revert any new changed and get back to my commit where I had removed FMOD, then added the Integration again. This time, Unity crashed twice while the code was recompiling. Finally, Unity loaded, the Wizard started working, and I was able to connect to the game with Live Update again.

I’m wondering if there’s some issue happening related to using version control with FMOD. We do have the following files being stored in LFS:

libfmodstudiounityplugin.a filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
libfmodstudiounitypluginL.a filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

I’m not sure if there’s any chance that’s related. Additionally, these files are in .gitignore




/Assets/Audio/FMOD Project/.cache

Ignore the Cache folder since it is updated locally.


Ignore bank files in the StreamingAssets folder.



Update: Some things have happened since. This work I did to resolve Live Update breaking again (removing FMOD Integration and re-installing it) I did on a new branch, branched off the feature branch in which master had been merged. Live Update worked on that branch, but once I checked out the original feature branch and merged in the new branch with the work to resolve the issue, Live Update stopped working again. Not only that, but after changing back to the new branch, which was previously working, and on which nothing was changed aside from changing branches, Live Update was now broken there.

So Live Update seems to break when changing branches, and the breaking is permanent until FMOD is removed and re-installed. What could the cause of this be?