FMOD Unity "Missing directive or an assembly reference"

I am using FMOD in the “Test Track” template from Unity 2021.3.38fi.

I am trying to mod scripts using the FMODUnity namespace but I always get errors that I am missing a directive or assembly reference. I have reimported and downloaded FMOD into the Unity project manager multiple times. I am not sure what is going on. I am mainly following this tutorial as a reference even though the “Test Track” template is a fair bit different.

This the sample template I am actually using:

Example of specific errors:

Assets/External/VolvoCars/Scripts/Runtime/Controllers/DoorController.cs(29,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘FMODUnity’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


What version of the FMOD integration are you using? Would it be possible to share the classes that are displaying the issue? Could I also grab a screenshot of the project directory:

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My project directory is attached.

The Classes that give me issues are: FMODUnity, FMOD, are the ones I have tried

And the integration version I am using is: 2.02.23

Thank you for sharing that.

Can you please try adding the FMODUnity.asmdef to the com.volvocars.public.vehicle_fundamentals.asmdef

Hope this helps!

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Thank you so much, that removed that error!!

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