Following Unity Integration tutorial results in extremely slow Editor

Downloaded the newest versions of everything and followed the tutorial. The moment I add the first Emitter, and then on (even after deleting said emitter), my Editor becomes unusably slow. I also get:

[FMOD] Unable to load Dialogue_EN - bank already loaded. This may occur when attempting to load another localized bank before the first is unloaded, or if a bank has been loaded via the API.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat (string,object)
[FMOD] Unable to load Dialogue_JP - bank already loaded. This may occur when attempting to load another localized bank before the first is unloaded, or if a bank has been loaded via the API.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat (string,object)

So far, a very poor out-of-the-box experience lol. I’m not yet sure what to look for. I know it’s somehow related to the Editor because the Profiler says the editor is taking 70+ms per frame.

Did some searching, found many similar issues but none seemed to solve my issue.


That definitely a really strange issue. Could I get you to provide your OS, Unity version, and FMOD for Unity version, so that I can try to reproduce the issue? Also, if you navigate to FMOD → Edit Settings → Initialization and change your Logging Level to Log, do you receive any extra messages?

The above warning isn’t anything to be concerned about when following the tutorial - it simply indicates when loading a localized bank that another localized bank has already been loaded, which is to be expected as FMOD Unity is set to load all banks by default.

I figured the warning was of no consequence.

Windows 11 22H2
Ryzen 7 3700X
GTX 1660

Unity 2021.3.24f1
FMOD Studio 2.02.13
FMOD for Unity 2.02.13

Rider 2021.3.4

A bit of an update, too. I don’t have much time right now to commit to troubleshooting, but when checking the logs as you asked, I noticed it was playing perfectly. Three times. I then opened Rider to check a script and waited for it to initialize and it was THEN that the Editor became slow. I then created a new cart project free of FMOD’s plugins, and of course, it slowed down again, so it’s definitely something to do with Rider and Unity, NOT FMOD. Thanks! I’ve been using this setup without FMOD for years through various updates so I too-hastily figured it must be FMOD.

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Final update. Please close. Issue was with Rider Editor Plugin v3.0.20. Known issue. Closing.

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