Integration Tutorial Warning: Unable to load Dialogue_EN - bank already loaded

I have followed the FMOD Unity Integration Tutorial (Very great tutorial by the way, easy to follow and made FMOD much clearer for me)

I managed to get the FMOD sound working, however, I get two warnings when entering Play Mode:

[FMOD] Unable to load Dialogue_EN - bank already loaded. This may occur when attempting to load another localized bank before the first is unloaded, or if a bank has been loaded via the API.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat ...
[FMOD] Unable to load Dialogue_JP - bank already loaded. This may occur when attempting to load another localized bank before the first is unloaded, or if a bank has been loaded via the API.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat ...

This is also happening in a different project that I’m trying to install FMOD in, also when loading the Examples.fspro project.

I’m not sure what is happening here. The warnings do not show up if in the FMOD Settings I choose “Load Banks: None”. But as you might expect, the sound then does no longer work. If I choose “Load Banks: Specified”, and specify the banks that are actually being used (not the dialogue ones), the sound works, and the warnings are not shown.

However, I’m wondering why “Load Banks: All” gives me these warnings? Is this an indication that I installed something wrong?


We are very happy to hear the tutorial was useful!

You have not done anything wrong. As the integration is trying to load all the banks in the Desktop folder which contains 3 dialogue banks it is an expected warning and can be safely ignored.

I have made a task to investigate if there is a better way to handle this warning.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.