Getting PulseAudio dependency to work in Ubuntu Docker image

Hi Connor,

The version of the FMOD integration I’m using is 2.02.23, the latest version from the Unity package manager.

Here’s a minimal GitHub repo I created to demonstrate the first issue (dlopen failed to open ''). There are two workflow runs, one of them with FMOD fully enabled (which fails) and one with the FMOD integration patched to disable sound (which passes).

Repo: GitHub - 12joan/fmod-game-ci-repro:
Workflow run: Initial commit · 12joan/fmod-game-ci-repro@f1dc80c · GitHub
Workflow file: Initial commit · 12joan/fmod-game-ci-repro@f1dc80c · GitHub
Results: playmode-results.xml.log (3.8 KB) playmode.log (2.3 MB)

Also, here’s a workflow run from my game’s GitHub repo where I’ve installed libpulse-dev and got the second error (pa_context_connect returned -1.). In all other respects this run is equivalent to the one above from the minimal repo.

Workflow run: Fix: Pathfinding agents can pass through walls · anderbellstudios/pop-pixie@51cacb4 · GitHub
Results: playmode-results.xml.log (32.1 KB) playmode.log (2.6 MB)

Someone on the GameCI issue suggested that I try installing libpulse0 and libpulse-mainloop-glib0 in addition to libpulse-dev, but I haven’t had time to try this yet unfortunately.

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