Help with Integration of FMOD to PS5 using Unity

Hi there! We are looking to implement haptics for PS5 using FMOD for our Unity game. Any resources or guides will be helpful. Thanks!


First in the mixer add the vibration port (FMOD Studio | Mixing - Port Buses):

Then install the PS5 FMOD Engine: FMOD Downalods | FMOD Engine - PS5. This will include the PS5 specific docs: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FMOD SoundSystem\FMOD Studio API PS5\doc\FMOD API User Manual\platforms-ps5.html" which includes the code example we need to enable vibration.

Then in your Unity project call the following:

// Using Studio API
your_vibration_bus.setPortIndex(user0 | FMOD_PORT_INDEX_FLAG_VR_CONTROLLER);

Hope this helps!

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Thanks a lot!

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