How do I reference an EventInstance in another script?

How do I set a paremeter, or stop an event instance from script B, when script A has the instance of the event?

Is there a way to allow a game designer to drag and drop an event instance from a separate script into a unity inspector? I was unable to get this working.

Of course I can use GetComponent, but that means we have to code this every time and it’s not scalable.

There are many ways you could do this. The easiest I can think of would be to create a static method in Script A that stops or sets a parameter on an event instance:

public class ScriptA
    static EventInstance eventInstance;

    public static void StopEventInstance()

class ScriptB
    void Stop()

You can drag EventReference path from the Event Browser into an FMODUnity.EventReference field in the inspector, so you can look at “Assets\Plugins\FMOD\src\Editor\EventBrowser.cs” for a reference. I think implementing Drag and Drop in the Unity Editor is a little out of scope for the forums, but here is a Unity Editor tutorial on how this works.