How do to 3D panning on camera, attenuation on character


I have the same question that was solved several years ago here: Set up 3rd listener on 3rd person camera and attenuation on character

In terms of doing this in Unreal, is the approach the same? If I do this on tick, would that work, or would it conflict with FMODStudioModule::UpdateListeners() which seems to be bound to a tick function driven by UE’s media clock. Would I need to set up my tick function the same way in order for it to not cause issues?
I could also just modify the FMOD plugin if needed


Turns out it’s much simpler than that! Just need to override GetAudioListenerPosition in your player controller:

void AGNPlayerController::GetAudioListenerPosition(FVector& OutLocation, FVector& OutFrontDir, FVector& OutRightDir) const
	Super::GetAudioListenerPosition(OutLocation, OutFrontDir, OutRightDir);

	if (const APawn* CurrentPawn = GetPawn())
		OutLocation = CurrentPawn->GetActorLocation();