How to disable reverberation effect

I’m using FMOD 1.09.04. I want to programming disable all reverb effect in order to reduce cpu. So, how can I do this? thx.

Hi Vittle,

Could you give a bit more information on your current setup? Do you have reverberation effects in place that you wish to use only in certain points in your game which you want to disable for when not in use? Or do you wish to remove all reverberation from your project?


Thanks. I am using reverberation effects now, and want to disable it sometimes.

Hi Vittle,

You can set the “Wet Level” of the reverb effect to -oodB to bypass processing it. You can create snapshots to dynamically enable/disable the reverb effects when needed.

If a bus does not recieve signal then any effects on it won’t be processed. The same applies for any effect that has a “Wet Level”. If the wet level is set to -oodB then it won’t be processed.
