How to set bus reverb properties?

I have the code for reverb presets set up, but I’d like to set the reverb properties on my reverb bus’s reverb effect, and I can’t work out from the documentation how to do that. I’ve managed to get reference to the generic dsp but can’t work out how to set the reverb properties from there, if that’s the way to do it.

Effects on buses cannot be directly affected by code. Instead, you’ll have to control the properties of those effects using something that your game’s code can affect: You can either automate the reverb effect’s properties on one or more global parameters, or you can scope the reverb effect’s properties into one or more snapshots.

Since you’re planning to set the reverb effect’s properties to the values associated with certain presets, I suspect that the second method is more appropriate: Create one snapshot for each preset you want to use, set the properties of the reverb effect in each snapshot to the values associated with the associated preset, and then use your game’s code to create and play instances of the snapshots in the same way you’d use it to create and play instances of events.

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Thank you for the pointer! That is a much cleaner solution. All working perfectly!