How to write a .wav file by using FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WAVWRITER_NRT?

so, this project I’m developing simulates a mixing table. It allows the player to control the volume, pan, high EQ, and low EQ of each channel from a song (8 channels total).

I need to create a function that when the user presses “R” for example, the music from the var EventReference (the only audio playing in the scene is from this EventReference) will be written as a .wav file by using WavWriter_NRT (just like bouncing the audio from a DAW)

I tried looking at how to use the FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WAVWRITER_NRT, but I couldn’t implement it properly in my project. I asked ChatGPT later to help me implement it, but in the chatGPT version the audio is always empty, unity crashes or when it has audio, it writes a huge file, like a 3-hour file.

Can anyone help me? Also, I’m new to FMOD

thanks in advance

I found a solution, after debugging a little bit and asking help for my dev friend, we use IEnumerator, I’ll post the script later

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setting the path file is not working, but bouncing the audio from FMOD is working:

void update()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))

     if (!isRendering)

public void RenderOffline()
    isRendering = true;
    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("rendering NRT started.");

private IEnumerator RenderAudioInBackground()
    print("RenderAudioInBackground IEnumerator");


    FMOD.Studio.System studioSystem = RuntimeManager.StudioSystem;

    FMOD.System coreSystem = RuntimeManager.CoreSystem;
    coreSystem.getOutput(out FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE output);
    //coreSystem.setSoftwareFormat(44100, FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO, 0);

      string outputPath = Application.dataPath + "/RenderedAudio.wav";
   System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("FMOD_OUTPUTFILE", outputPath);

    // Start the rendering process
   musicInstance.getDescription(out EventDescription eventDescription);

    eventDescription.getLength(out int musicDuration); // millisecconds
    musicDuration = musicDuration / 1000; // seconds
    float elapsedTime = 0.0f;

   coreSystem.getMasterChannelGroup(out FMOD.ChannelGroup cg);
   cg.getDSPClock(out ulong child, out _);

   coreSystem.getSoftwareFormat(out int sampleRate, out _, out _);
   ulong future = child + (ulong)sampleRate * (uint)musicDuration;

   while (child < future)

        // Update FMOD systems
       // studioSystem.update();

        elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;

       // Wait until the next frame
       cg.getDSPClock(out child, out _ );
       yield return null;
   isRendering = false;


    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Audio rendering completed and saved to: " + outputPath);
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Thank you for sharing the solution.