I have the following situation: my track consists of three layers that are activated through volume automations on a continuous parameter (called “match progress”).
Each time there’s a progression in the game I trigger an event which contains a stinger cue and a command instrument set to increment parameter. This way my event increments the “match progress” prameter by the intended amount and the layers follow the progress of the game.
My problem is with an AHDSR modulator added to the delta value: since I want the automations to crossfade, I need the delta value to be added gradually. This isn’t happening. What am I doing wrong? I tried different setups for both the delta value and the AHDSR but nothing helps. Is this a bug?
You have applied the modulator to a property of an instrument. Every time you trigger an instrument, a new instance of that instrument starts playing, with its own associated instance of modulator, which starts its attack at that point in time. Command instruments end instantly upon being starting, as it only takes an instant to send a command, so your command instrument instances are only ever using the initial value of the delta value (0.00).
I’m not totally sure, but I suspect that what you actually want to do is set the parameter’s value once, but have it ramp to the new value gradually instead of changing instantly. If that’s the case, a modulator on the command instrument’s delta property won’t do what you want at all.
Instead, you should put a seek modulator on the value of the parameter, and set it to a low value other than “instant.” A seek modulator acts as a speed limit for a property, limiting how quickly its value can increase or decrease. (If you are using an older version of FMOD Studio that does not feature seek modulators, you should instead give the parameter a seek speed.)