Is FMOD not suitable for playing background music?

if (!is3D)
                instance.setProperty(FMOD.Studio.EVENT_PROPERTY.CHANNELPRIORITY, this.loop ? 256 : 100);

I am using FMOD to play sound effects and background music.
Currently, all sounds are being played from a single management system.
However, when multiple sound effects repeatedly play and stop, the background music sometimes stops as well.
I tried setting priorities, but the background music still gets interrupted.
Is FMOD not suitable for playing background music?


Thank you for sharing the information.

This does sound like an issue related to voice stealing and channel count limits.

I found a similar discussion that might be helpful : Lower Priority Events Are Voice Stealing Highest Priority Events - #2 by cameron-fmod

Additionally, could you please enable API Error logging and set the Logging Level to “Log” (Unity Integration | 8. Settings | 8.2 Initialization | 8.2.1 Logging Level)?

This will provide more detailed logs in the console. If possible, please share the full log output so we can investigate further.

Console Log 1225.txt (1.2 MB)

I have attached the full console log from the moment the scene starts, where the background music begins playing, followed by several sound effects, until the background music stops.


I thought you might need the fmod_editor.log as well, so I replayed the scene and attached the log, including the point where the background music unexpectedly stops.

fmod_editor.log (105.2 KB)


Thank you for sharing the Log, it’s been very helpful!

I noticed that for looping 2D sounds, the priority is set to 256. If your intention is to assign the highest priority to these sounds, please note that priority system operates on a scale where 0 represents the highest priority and 256 the lowest.

To minimize the chances of a channel being stolen, you should assign it a lower priority value (0 for highest priority). Conversely, assigning a higher priority value (256) increases the likelihood of that channel being stolen when the system needs to free up resources.

I will also raise a task internally to update our documentation to make this less confusing. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Hope this helps, let me know if the issue persists.