Are the errors happening when you are running the server on your machine or after you upload it to Playfab? If it is happening on Playfab could you test running it on your machine and see if the errors continue?
Any ideas how we could at least get FMOD initializing without exceptions on a playfab server?
Are there DLLs not included with the FMOD plugin that it’s expecting to exist?
If it helps, here is a log we get on playfab:
{"log":"[FMOD] OutputWASAPI::enumerate : IMMDeviceEnumerator::GetDefaultAudioEndpoint returned 0x800706BA.", "stream":"stdout", "time":"2023-04-27T01:20:51.0336990Z"}
Our plan right now is to remove all StudioEventEmitters and modify some of the other components like FMODEventTrack and StudioListener so that they don’t perform any logic when UNITY_SERVER is true.
Then with our own audio component, we can skip playing audio if UNITY_SERVER.
Just to confirm, was the Event not found issue also solved or were you still experiencing this? Or were there any other errors being logged on the server? Having another look, FMOD being set to NO SOUND mode shouldn’t have stopped the events being found.
Thank you for confirming, are there any further logs that are included with the server? Something that might include more information about the error, e.g. failed to load banks?
All good. Thank you again for all your help. I will continue to investigate why events aren’t being found and if there is any progress on FMOD Server support I will reply here.
Would it be possible to set the FMOD Logging level to Log
Which should be logging all FMOD calls and a method for finding the log files on a Playfab server can be found here: Getting Unity logs from game server - Playfab Community