Loop Region with Transition + Transition Region

Hello everyone, I am in the following pickle:
I have a music section with a transition region, which at the gameover state go to “End1”

In that same section i have a loop with transition, this is required as the last note of a melody should play at the start of the loop.

The problem is: if the gameover is true during this loop region transition, the transtion region won’t trigger.

Tried to illustrate in this figure, the question mark show the loop region transition

I want to ask which would be the most idiomatic way to solve this in FMOD, or maybe I should trigger a different event wth the gameover sound?

As you have observed, an event instance cannot normally perform a transition while already in a transition timeline. If you want to achieve the behaviour you describe, there are a few different ways to do it.

Playing the ending sound in a separate event, as you suggest, would be a simple and effective solution.

Another possibility is to remove the transition timeline and change the instruments at the end of the loop from synchronous to asynchronous mode. Asychhronous instruments will be able to continue playing even after the the loop occurs, ensuring that their final notes play over the start of the loop whenever a loop occurs; and removing the transition timeline will mean that ther’es nothing stopping the transitio nto end from occurring.

Without knowing more about your requirements, I can’t say which of these options is better suited to your project. I therefore recommend you experiment with them and find what works best for you.

Thanks for the quick reply joseph! I will try to implement it in a separate event.

That said, my first implementation was using async instruments, I have a question about it. Is it possible to stop an async instrument? When the game over region is triggered, I want to fade them out and stop any playing instrument.

Yes, of course. If you select the instrument, then click the “cut” button in the deck, the instrument will stop playing whenever it is untriggered.

If you want instruments to fade out when untriggered, you should add AHDSR modulators to their volume properties. This causes the instrument to fade out when untriggered.