Missing Fmod Niagara integration

Hi there, I can’t seem to find the options to add Fmod modules or emitters when in Niagara. My Plugins filter is on, as per the docs.

Is there somewhere in the file paths that I could check to verify if that part of the integration is missing or if it’s something else I’m doing wrong?


Fmod, Unreal 5.3.2

EDIT: Looks like it was disabled in the .uproject. I’ll leave this up for posterity.

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Adding this so we can mark as resolved.

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I’m with the same problem, I’m searching in the project where this option might be, but I can’t find. What option was disabled, the niagara or Fmod? Can you help me?
Thanks in Advance

My programmer said he had intentionally omitted it, thinking it wasn’t needed, I believe either by keeping the files out of the plugins folder, or by some code within the .uproject. Sorry I can’t be more specific, he was the one that corrected it and it was a while back now. If you’re still having trouble I can ask him next week.

Would be awesome if you could ask him, still having problems :frowning:

I went back and checked and this was in our .uproject file

“Name”: “FMODStudioNiagara”,
“Enabled”: false

and that’s what was stopping it in my case

You can manually edit the setting in the .uproject file or you can change it in the editor through the ‘Edit > Plugins’ settings:

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Thanks guys, helped a lot :pray:

Problem solved

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