Good evening,
Little problem here it seems that music gets out of synch regularly when playing the game. I mainly have a music “body” as in main music, which then gets layered depending on a parameter. My problem is that when the parameter engages the music the layer is out of synch by a tiny bit but you can clearly hear it.
It gets back on synch once the loop happens or once the layered clip is done and another layered clip happens.
Also layers don’t stack (for the ones that get out of synch)

Hey there,
Thanks for your quick response:
here are the answer to those questions:
-FMOD 2.02.19
-yes they are set to stream (we are building for mobile so I don’t see putting those files in memory – they are relatively long files – more than a minute)
-yes volumes are muted while playing - which indeed makes them virtual (I was affraid that this was the problem). Any idea on how to remove that problem? (would I need to make sure music is never set to virtual? if so is it possible to set virtual settings for individual events). Any help is welcome 
There’s a known issue with virtualization that can causes virtualized sounds to desync when becoming real again, which has been fixed as of 2.03. If you aren’t intending on updating, the recommended workaround for 2.02 is to set the event priority of the events you’re experiencing the desync with to “Highest”. Doing this will ensure that tracks in those events never virtualize, but notably also means that muted tracks will continue to incur resource overhead as if they were still audible.
Please give either this workaround or updating to 2.03 a try and see whether it resolves the issue for you.
Good know I’ll let you know thanks!
We’ll probably just update to 2.03 as this is not viable otherwise I believe 
I will reply here once we are done updating (probably next week or so)
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Ahhhh i did not realize that 2.03 was in early access, which makes me scared espescially since we want to launch in the near future.
do you know when 2.03 will be released approx just to know if it is safe to switch to 2.03 before launch
Else I’ll just change those settings
Unfortunately, we can’t provide an approximate date for when 2.03 will come out of early access. It will only do so when we’re confident in its stability and quality. Given that you’re launching soon, I’d highly recommend staying on 2.02 and changing your event priority settings instead - if you run into any issues with it, feel free to let me know.