Are there any plans to support Steinberg’s Game Audio Connect?
Are there any plans to support Steinberg’s Game Audio Connect?
According to Steinberg’s preview of Nuendo 10 (being released in Q2), there will be a “Game Audio Connect SDK” available for all audio engines. Would be really nice to see an integration with FMOD.
At the time of writing (March of 2019) FMOD Studio and Nuendo’s Game Audio Connect are not compatible.
Thanks Joseph - the question was, are there any plans to start support it?
There’s a rather good discount on Nuendo crossgrades at the moment, you see - up to 70% off.
It isn’t on our roadmap at the moment.
OK - shame!
Blowing the dust off this thread as I’ve just seen the announcement for the latest version of Nuendo and they’ve really improved Game Audio Connect to the point where it actually looks pretty useful now. For old people like me who can’t face the switch to Reaper…is there any hope of FMOD supporting Game Audio Connect in future?
As of the time of writing (March of 2025), Game Audio Connect is not compatible with FMOD Studio. That being said, we are open to collaboration, and would gladly discuss with Steinberg how best to improve compatibility of our respective tools if the opportunity arises.
In the mean time, FMOD Studio and the FMOD Engine remain capable of loading and making use of audio files exported by Nuendo.
Ed, I’m also “vintage” age when it comes to game dev. I started using Cubase on the Atari back in the late 80’s and have used it ever since. I’ve tried other DAWs etc and could never get on with them. With Reaper, however, I persevered and after a while I now find it more intuitive and quicker to use than Cubase for sound design (not music)… so I’d certainly recommend spending some more time with it, and when you get stuck there is so much information ‘out there’ to help resolve issues.
Timo at Steinberg has said the same in the past, so hopefully someone at either company will make a first move!
Yea all the videos I’ve seen about it make it obvious that it’s the right choice for sound design (despite all the marketing guff about Nuendo being the best choice for sound designers…lol), but it looks like a hell of a steep learning curve to get there.
What seems to be very usefull is the ability to preview audio content from Nuendo to Wwise without rendering (a kind of Live Update for Nuendo) while the game is running. I really would love to see an alternative using Reaper to Fmod…