guys i want to build banks with my order for example i want event 15 = pistol sound , now when i click build all sounds files build randomly not at my order or event order
Unfortunately the ordering of events in banks is non-deterministic. Events typically should be referenced via their GUIDs and Paths:
FMOD.Studio.EventDescription eventDescription;
FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getEvent("event:/pistol", out eventDescription);
FMOD.Studio.EventInstance eventInstance;
eventDescription.createInstance(out eventInstance);
Is there any particular reason you need the ordering of events to be preserved?
i thought i can ordering the events sounds files
If you want to order all of the events, perhaps you could prefix each event name with a number such as “1 Pistol”, “2 Cat”, “3 Potato” and sort them alphabetically in code:
FMOD.Studio.Bank bank;
FMOD.Studio.EventDescription[] descriptions;
RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBank("mybank", out bank);
var result = bank.getEventList(out descriptions);
Array.Sort(descriptions, (a1, a2) => {
a1.getPath(out o1);
a2.getPath(out o2);
return String.Compare(o1, o2);