Pops between split clips

I’ve found that any time I split a clip on an FMOD timeline, there is a small pop between the resulting trimmed clips where I would expect it to be seamless. I’ve tried turning off stream in case it was a buffering issues, but the pop is still there. This seems to be the case for any clip, although some are worse than others.


What you’re observing is likely a result of an instrument split not occurring on a zero crossing - if there’s a DC offset in the second instrument, FMOD will ramp to it from 0, which can cause a pop.

So that I can help you find a workaround, can you to elaborate on the behavior you’re trying to set up in Studio? Can I also get your exact FMOD Studio version number?

Hi Leah,

I’m trying to create an event where the start of a sound plays, and then the tail of the sound loops indefinitely (like a guitar strum followed by an indefinite sustain). For the looping part of the sound, my current solution is to split the clip and copy the beginning, then crossfade to that clip at the end of the loop.

I can try to minimize the pops at least by trying to split near zero crossings, although this unfortunately won’t always be a practical option because my samples are stereo.

I’m using version 2.02.08, 64-bit, Build #126901

Since the issue is at the pop, the easiest solution would be to add some length of crossfade at the split point. This should be compatible with an “indefinite sustain” loop region, for example:

In this case, I have the beginning of the sound, and a loop of the tail with a transition region that crossfades the loop. To account for the pop, I’ve split the beginning and tail, extended the ends of the split point to overlap, added a crossfade between the two. Depending on the sound, you may want to adjust the crossfade durations or starting position of the loop region, but you should be able to address the pop with this.