Possibility of official support for the Godot engine?

Hey there!

There are some existing (and very comprehensive!) 3rd-party bindings of the FMOD API for Godot via C++ (see: GitHub - utopia-rise/fmod-gdnative: FMOD Studio integration and bindings for the Godot game engine) which seem to be quite good.

The founders of Godot recently formed a company, W4 Games, with the mission of enabling closed-source solutions like FMOD to become compatible with Godot, which is open-source. (So far, they’ve come up with compatibility layers for things like DirectX 12 support, which up to now wasn’t possible because of licensing issues.)

I reached out via their contact page a while back to inquire about a collaboration with FMOD, but never heard back.

Have you guys on your end ever considered adding support for Godot officially? (Is a big ask, but there seems to be a market for it.)



Godot is increasingly getting more popular, and we will continue to keep an eye on it. Properly supporting an engine integration is a large amount of work, both upfront and ongoing, as we’ve seen from our Unity and Unreal integrations. Currently we have no immediate plans to provide an integration for Godot, but we encourage the community to share their interest with us. We are especially interested to hear from developers wanting to license FMOD and use Godot as ultimately resource constraints can be overcome through hiring more staff.


Awesome to hear! All of the sound designers I work with love FMOD, which is a major reason I’ve stuck with Unity–but as a developer I find Godot much more elegant to work with. For now I’ll try some of the community bindings, and see if I can get more folks to demonstrate interest in an official integration :slight_smile:

This is the most recent top result on google when searching for fmod integration with Godot. Have you tested any of the community solutions? Can you provide links to solutions that work?

For 3.5 you can still use GitHub - utopia-rise/fmod-gdnative: FMOD Studio integration and bindings for the Godot game engine
For 4.0+ use GitHub - alessandrofama/fmod-for-godot: FMOD Integration for the Godot Engine

Both work fine!

Due to the recent Unity pricing change it seems that Unity developers are switching over to Godot. As posted above, Alessandro has created an FMOD integration for Godot. I wonder if FMOD would help support an open source integration rather than creating something from scratch?

As always we will continue to monitor requests for an official FMOD provided integration with Godot, it will be interesting to see how demand changes given the recent events from Unity. Regarding support for existing integrations, we’re happy to provide tips and bug fixes in the same capacity as we do for any game or custom engine here via the forum. Becoming more involved in an integration, whether that be creating our own or working with an existing solution will come down to demand and resources, which for the moment are dedicated to our existing Unreal and Unity integrations.

Just wanted to stop by and show my interest for an official FMod integration with Godot!

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Thanks for sharing your interest, I’ll add your voice to the task in our tracker.

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At the year’s Global Game Jam I’ve met a lot of devs switched from Unity to Godot. We’re building our game with Alessandro’s integration. It’ll be great to have it officially supported.

Thanks, I’ve added your vote to our tracker.

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Same for us. Me and my team switched to Godot in October, and it’ll be awesome to have a official integration with Fmod

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I’m also standing in line for an official FMOD integration. :grinning: My team also switched to Godot a few months ago and even though Alessandro’s unofficial integration works perfectly, it still does miss some important elements.

We’d love to have official integration too!

+1 for FMOD support to have an official integration in Godot. My studio used Unity and FMOD on our previous title and loved the integration and power of FMOD. Our studio has since moved over to Godot and would love to have that same powerful FMOD experience we were able to have in Unity but in Godot.

I would also really like official support for Godot as my team is using it and the unofficial stuff is kind of difficult for me(little programming background.) and fmod is such an improvement over raw implementation.

We’re currently planning for a game jam and I’m finding that I might not be able to use fmod at all for it bc making it work is such a tall order for my inexperienced brain. xD

I would like to bump this thread since I and quite a lot of users would really appreciate an official addon for Godot.
Currently the only solution is utopia-rise/fmod-gdextension which is a third-party solution and it is very broken and unstable from my experience.
Wwise has official Godot integration, but I personally prefer the simpler/faster timeline-based workflow of FMOD.

Thanks - I’ve noted your interest on our tracker.

I would also like an official support for Godot, as it’s more and more popular these days. A lot of people I know are migrating to Godot, and I think an official integration would be really appreciated by the community! Glad to see that the FMOD team continues to acknowledge this topic in the forum

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