Preload sample data to avoid this delay. How find event name by guid?

From time to time I have these warning logs in the unity console:

[FMOD] EventInstance::update : Event {275351b8-616d-437c-8515-6c5cea1c1900} waited 210 milliseconds for sample data to load. Preload sample data to avoid this delay.
[FMOD] EventInstance::update : Event {275351b8-616d-437c-8515-6c5cea1c1900} waited 211 milliseconds for sample data to load. Preload sample data to avoid this delay.

But I have so many events and can’t find needed events buy guids.
How I can find events names by these guids? It will be nice to add this tool to plugin.

Have a nice day.

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You can find an event with a particular GUID in FMOD Studio by copying and pasting the GUID (including the curly braces) into the event editor’s search bar. For example, if you type “{275351b8-616d-437c-8515-6c5cea1c1900}” into the search bar of the events browser, the browser will display the event with that GUID.

There is currently no easy way to learn the path of an FMOD Studio event from its GUID from within Unity.

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