Hello team
basically, I’ve created some sea waves but i can’t figure out how to create audible distance when the player goes far away from the sea waves, as I’m learning unit + Fmod I’m still far away from having a good understanding of the program, i leave here a screenshot of Unity, to get better context.
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What is the current behavior you are experiencing? Are the waves the same volume all the time?
Could I get a screenshot of the event in FMOD Studio as well?
yes exactly the waves are the same volume all the time, when the player goes far away from the wave si dont experience a reducing in volume that determine the distance,
i wanted to show the FMOD screenshot too but this forum doesn’t allow me to post more than one photo each time, so here is FMOD screenshot of those waves
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Thank you for the screenshot of the event.
Could you please collect a profiler capture while reproducing this issue in game, then package your profiler session including banks (ticking the “Banks” option when exporting), and upload it to your FMOD Profile?
In the profiler recording keep an eye on the 3D View
You should be able to see the event moving around the view.
Thanks Conor, unfortunately i will be for a couple of weeks away for work reason but ill be back to it and ill continue trouble shooting this. thanks for the help you are a legend
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hello conor
i am finally back in my studio, i think i was able to collect a profile capture. i just dont know where i can upload the profiler session to mY FMOD profile, the best thing i can do it to upload this to my google drive for you to watch it, is that ok?
here is the file: FMOD profiler session - Google Drive
On another topic,
i am looking for someone that can teach me Fmod with Unity, would you be able to give me some classes? i can obviously pay for them if you’d be up for it, or if you know some teachers i can have a one-to-one online classes?
It may be an issue with trying to override the min and max
distances on the spatializer and in Unity.
Could you try disabling the Distance Override
on the spatializer for me?
The profiler session you captured did not have any audio. When recording make sure that Live Update is enabled:
Cna you confirm the FMOD version you are using?
hi conor
i tried to do this but no changes unfortunately
I’m really lost in this, i dont know what i am doing wrong, would you be able to give classes online?
also, the version of fmod I’m playing is this
and about doing live update on, i am having another problem, its asking me for the IP address, which i dont know what is for.
Unfortunately, this is not something we provide.
I found the Unity asset Viking Village, I placed an emitter using your event in a similar location and was able to reproduce the issue. Can you confirm you have disabled the Distance Override
and rebuilt your banks
And saw the rebuild prompt in Unity:
After doing this I was able to hear the specialization of the waves.
Hope this helps!
hi conor
yes i have done this as you suggested me last time but it didn’t work, i dont know how else to resolve this problem, there are many other things to take in consideration from unity maybe, i dont know i cant learn using this forum i need someone to make me a one to one private online class
Hopefully, someone in the community will be able to help.
We also have a Unity tutorial here: FMOD Integration | Integration Tutorial. This goes through the whole process of adding FMOD to a Unity project.
If I could get the full Studio Project uploaded to your account that may provide more information.