Randomizing an interger parameter with equal weight

Probably a dumb question, but if I have an integer parameter with a range from 0 to 2 and want to randomize it so it picks a value random value with equal weight, should I set the “intensity” to 100% or 50 %?

Thank you!

To do this, you need to do two things:

  1. Set the initial value of the parameter to 1. You can do this in the edit parameter dialog.
  2. Set the random modulator’s value to 100%.

A random modulator on a non-volume property randomizes the value of the property within a range defined as a percentage of the property’s range, centered on the post-automation value of the property and clamped by the property’s range. Therefore, if you want the property’s value to be randomized to be any possible value, you need to set the random modulator to 100%, and you need to set the property’s value to the exact mid-point of its range (which, for a parameter with range 0-2, is 1).

Our documentation on this topic is not clearly written, so I’ll add a task to our bug tracker to improve it. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.