Remember Effects Collapsed State?

Every time i move away from an Events effect insert section, and return, all the FX that i collapsed for workflow and space are auto expanded. I have to admit, this is quite annoying and kills the workflow quite a bit for me. Im big on keeping things tidy and organized especially when sessions get big. Is there a setting or anything Im maybe missing here? Im newish to FMOD, but have been working in Pro Tools and a few other major DAWs for almost 20 years and can’t think of any that do this.

Any info is appreciated!


We do have some Interface options under Edit -> Preferences

Would these options be what you are looking for? If not, I will pass on your suggestion to our development team to investigate further.

Those settings don’t address the issue. Modulators respect the collapsed state, effects do not… See video…

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Thank you for the video.

This is a gread idea. I will pass on the suggestion to our development team.

Thank you again.

Right on man thanks, that would be a really nice addition for work flow.

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