Reset parameter on every event playback?

Hi, how are you?

I created an event with 1 sustain point (a simple cast/release).
This sustain point has a parameter called player_movement_end that is discrete, and is 0 or 1.
It starts at 0, indicating that the player is moving (cast). When it goes to 1 (release), the player starts stopping and the event finishes playing the rest.

But, when the event ends, the parameter doesn’t go back to 0 on a new playback.
Can I reset this parameter somehow? I tried Command Instrument but it didn’t work…

Sorry for this novice question, and thanks in advance! :smiley:

It doesn’t reset in fmod studio, but it will be reset on a new event instance in game.

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Ohhh I understand! I’ll keep it in mind when implementing into game.
Thank you very much for the help, Alciblade!

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Hello, I have a similar issue, but in my case the event must be attached to a blueprint (its a continuous loop of drawing that needs to be stopped once the drawing button is released, and the “stop” parameter should be reset to 0 each time the player starts drawing), so I have to use the “Play Event Attached” node in unreal which doesn’t have an event instance return. Is there any solution to this? Thank you


You could use the Set Parameter node in the blueprint to assign the correct value. Here is an example of setting a parameter when the event is not playing:

If this is not the functionality you are looking for could I get some more info?