samsung i9100 android sdk v1.06 failed init

It succeed in other phone, but samsung i9100 failed init and can’t play any sound.
Does it support this device ?
Thanks for your time.
The following is my init code :

    FMOD_ERRCHECK(mLowLevelSystem->setSoftwareFormat(0, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_5POINT1, 0));

Can you link with the logging version of FMOD and add the Logcat output to your question? Information about why it is failing will be printed there.

The following is the normal version’s log. I will add logging version’s later.

01-02 16:48:08.687: I/dalvikvm(9049): Could not find method, referenced from method org.fmod.FMOD.getOutputBlockSize
01-02 16:48:08.687: W/dalvikvm(9049): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 76: Landroid/media/AudioManager;.getProperty (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
01-02 16:48:08.687: D/dalvikvm(9049): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0016
01-02 16:48:08.687: I/dalvikvm(9049): Could not find method, referenced from method org.fmod.FMOD.getOutputSampleRate
01-02 16:48:08.687: W/dalvikvm(9049): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 76: Landroid/media/AudioManager;.getProperty (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
01-02 16:48:08.687: D/dalvikvm(9049): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0016
01-02 16:48:08.710: E/AudioTrack-Java(9049): [ ] getMinBufferSize(): Invalid channel configuration.
01-02 16:48:08.710: W/fmod(9049): AudioDevice::init : Couldn’t query minimum buffer size, possibly unsupported sample rate or channel count
01-02 16:48:08.710: I/fmod(9049): AudioDevice::init : Actual buffer size: 24576 bytes
01-02 16:48:08.710: D/AudioTrack-Java(9049): [ ] in audioParamCheck streamtype is (3)
01-02 16:48:08.710: E/fmod(9049): AudioDevice::init : AudioTrack creation caused IllegalArgumentException
01-02 16:48:08.734: D/HD(9049): [Error][2011-01-02 16:48:08]Fmod error line: 205 code: 51

I can see from the output you have provided (and some quick checks against the Android source) that your device is running Ice-cream Sandwich or older. Support for 5.1 wasn’t added until Jelly Bean so you get an error.

I’ll get this fixed up so older phones gracefully fallback to stereo for a future release.

Thanks a lot.