Shared probability between multiple transitions?

If I had two or more Marker Transitions on the same point on a timeline, would it be possible to have them share percentage of probability in the same way a multi-instrument does?

This is one of those questions where answering “yes” or “no” would be misleading.

Every transition marker’s trigger conditions are checked independently, so the probability set for one transition marker never affects the probability conditions for other transition markers. However, it is possible for the probability condition of a transition marker to affect the probability that another transition marker will be triggered, without affecting that other transition marker’s probability trigger conditions.

See, when multiple transition markers exist at the same position on the timeline, they are evaluated in order from highest to lowest. This means that as soon as one transition marker’s trigger conditions are met, that transition will trigger - and the trigger conditions of other transition markers below that transition marker at the same timeline position will never even be checked.

For example, in this image, the “To ON” transition marker’s trigger conditions will always be checked first. If they’re met, that transition marker will move the playback position; only if the “To ON” transition marker’s trigger conditions are not met will the “To TW” transition marker’s trigger conditions be checked - and only if both the “To ON” and “To TW” transition marker’s trigger conditions are not met will the “To TH” transition marker’s conditions be evaluated.

You can exploit this behavior to create multi instrument -like behavior, where each transition has a specific probability of being triggered, and you’re guaranteed that exactly one of them will be triggered each time the playback position reaches that part of the timeline.

For example, if I wanted my “To ON,” To TW," and “To TH” transition markers to each trigger one-third of the time, I would set the “To ON” transition marker’s probability to 33% and the “To TW” transition marker’s probability to 50%. Because the “To TW” transition marker’s trigger conditions would only be checked if the “To ON” transition marker’s trigger conditions are not met, and the “To TH” transition marker’s conditions will always be met if neither the “To ON” and “To TW” transition markers’ trigger conditions are met, at least one of these markers will definitely affect the playback position each time it arrives at this timeline position, and there’s approximately equal odds that it will be each of these transition markers.

As you can see, this emulates the “exactly one of these items will be selected” behavior of a multi instrument, while allowing you a similar degree of freedom to tweak the probabilities of specific transitions occurring.

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Looks like the direction I’m wanting to go, but a few more questions on it:

  • In terms of the behaviour of the probability checks, is it done in ascending order from lowest % to highest?
  • Can more than one transition be triggered at once? You mention both “exactly one of them” and “at least one of these markers”.

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re asking. Is what done is ascending order from lowest % to highest?

No. As I mentioned earlier, when multiple transition markers exist at the same timeline position, they are evaluated one at a time. As soon as one of them meets all of its conditions, that transition marker is triggered, moving the playback position to a different part of the timeline; any remaining transition markers at that position are ignored without being evaluated.

The multiple transition markers, are they evaluated in order of lowest to highest probability?

As I explained above, when multiple transition markers are present at the same timeline position, they are evaluated from top to bottom - as in, whether they are physically displayed vertically above or below each other on your screen. Their relative probabilities do not affect the order in which they are evaluated.